Thursday, 6 September 2012




Introduction.......................................................................... 3
History of Cochlear Microphonics...................................  6
Cochlear Mechanics..............................................................8
Cochlear Macro mechanics................................................. 10
Traditional Theories........................................................... 13
Travelling Wave Theory.................................................... 15
Non – linearity of cochlea..................................................22
Helicotrema and Rejection of very L.F’s..........................  24
Changes to passive wave in an active cochlea................  24
Cochlear Micromechanics..................................................26
Hair Cell Mechanics............................................................29
Organ of Corti.......................................................................32
Tactorial Membrane............................................................ 35
Hair Cell Responses.............................................................39
Inner Hair Cells & Receptor potentials..................................40
Input-Output Functions of I.H.C............................................49
Outer Hair Cells & Receptor Potentials..................................47
Cochlear Potentials................................................................54
Receptor Potentials................................................................57
Cochlear Microphonic..........................................................57
Summating Potentials...........................................................61
Compound Action Potentials.................................................64
Journal Articles.......................................................................66
                The auditory system is one of the specialized sensory systems. The physiological responses that occur in the cochlea are the foundation of the process of hearing. Humans can hear sounds with frequencies ranging from 20 – 20000 Hz. Mammalian auditory systems can also process great sensitivity and respond to sounds over an intensity range of 120 decibels. Such striking performance is largely determined by mechanical and biophysical process in the cochlea. The main task of the human cochlea is to analyze sound in terms of its intensity, timing and frequency content. To achieve this, sound in air is matched acoustically to the denser water medium within the cochlea by middle ear, efficiently producing pressure fluctuations in the cochlear fluids and vibration of the ribbon like basilar membrane (BM) and the sensory organ of Corti (OC) perched upon it.
              The vibrations of the cochlear partition (BM) normally take the form of waves or ripple that travel away from stapes and towards the cochlear apex. This basilar membrane vibrations produce motion of hair cell stereocilia, which gates stereociliar transduction channels leading to the generation of hair cell receptor potentials and the excitation of afferent auditory nerve fibres. At the base of the cochlea, BM motion exhibits a C.F specific and level dependent compressive nonlinearity. Thus responses to low level, near CF stimuli are sensitive and sharply frequency tuned and responses to intense stimuli are insensitive and poorly tuned. This mechanism involves forces generated by the outer hair cells and controlled, directly or indirectly, by their transduction currents. At the apex of the cochlea, nonlinearities appear to be less prominent than at the base, perhaps implying that the cochlear amplifier plays a lesser role in determining apical mechanism responses to sound. Whether at the base or the apex, the properties of basilar membrane vibration adequately account for most frequency specific properties of the responses to sound of auditory nerve fibres. 
             Thus cochlea can be considered as a transducer that converts the vibratory stimulus into a form usable by the nervous system.

The Cochlea ;
·        Separates stimulus frequency into different spatial regions of the auditory system.
·        Converts changes in pressure into vibrations in the discharge of auditory neurons and from the original acoustic signal the temporal confirmation is perceived to a remarkable extent. 
              Two breakthroughs lead to a re-assessment of cochlear physiology. The first was the discovery of otoacoustic emissions, which provided strong evidence for the existence of an active, energy-generating process in the cochlea. The second was the discovery by Brownell (1983) of outer hair motility, which provided a potential physical substrate for the active process.   
 Propagation of Sound within the cochlea             
              One point of view is that the movements of the stapes are transmitted directly to the fluid column in the cochlea which responds as a whole- a mass action mechanism. As in below figure, inward movement of the stapes footplate causes the perilymph to flow up the scala vestibuli, through the helicotrema, and then down the scala tympani, where the round window are distended by an amount directly proportional to the inward movement of the stapes. During outward movement, the direction of flow of the fluid column is reversed. Sound energy, transmitted to the vibrating fluid column, is selectively absorbed by the structures on the basilar membrane. 
Mass-action through the cochlea. Inward movement of the stapes footplate causes perilymph to flow up scala vestibuli, through the helicotrema, and down scala tympani, where the round window is distended.  
              Another view point is that the pressure generated in the scala vestibuli is transmitted across the scala media to the scala tympani. As shown in figure (2), such a transmission of pressure results in distortion of vestibular membrane and, in turn, the basilar membrane. As before, however, there will be displacements of round window that are out of phase with the direction of movement of the stapes. The fluid movements may be distinctive for a particular frequency and thus produce distortion of the basilar membrane at a specific frequency-related locus. In either of these mechanisms, disturbances of the hair cells located on the basilar membrane transform the mechanical energy into electrical disturbances that stimulate the fibres of the cochlear nerve.
Schematic representation of the path of vibrations through the cochlea. Vibrations are transmitted across the scala media, into scala tympani.
Brief History of Cochlear Mechanics 
·        1561: Gabriello Fallopio discovers the snail-shaped cochlea of the inner ear.

·        In 1760 Cotigno announced that cochlea is filled with fluid and with air.

·        In 1851 Alfonse Corti described the structures of the sensory organ, now named after him. But the function of each component was unclear.

·        In 1863 Hensen first recorded steriociliary bundle on sensory receptor cells. He suggested that the steriocilia play an important role in the excitation of these cells

·        In 1863 HelmHoltz proposed that analysis of sound and mechanism of hearing through Fourier analysis, which was hypothesized in 1943 by Ohm. He reasoned that our frequency discrimination must be due to the vibration of a series of independent resonators within cochlea.
·        1928 - Georg von Bèkèsy begins to use large-scale models of the cochlea to determine precisely how sounds of different frequencies stimulate the organ of Corti.
·        1930 - In the 1930s, G. E. Wever and C.W. Bray discover that auditory nerves discharge in synchrony with sound frequency.
·        1957 - Eberhardt Zwicker, Smith Stanley Stevens, and Gordon Flottorp show that the auditory system functions as if divided into 24 critical channels
  • In 1960’s the first measurements of the vibrational response to sound of the BM were carried out by George Von Bekesy, for which he was awarded the 1961 Nobel Prize for physiology or medicine, Working principally in the ears of human cadavers, Bekesy showed that
a.      The cochlea performs a kind of spatial fourier analysis , mapping frequencies upon longitudinal position along the basilar membrane.
b.      He described a displacement wave that travels on the basilar membrane from base to apex of the cochlea at speeds much slower than that of sound in water. As it propagates, the travelling wave grows in amplitude, reaches a maximum and then decays. The location of the maximum is a function of stimulus frequency: High frequency vibrations reach a peak near the base of the cochlea, whereas low frequency waves travel all the way to the cochlear apex.
c.      Vibration didn’t occur as a single resonance of the independent resonator.
d.      Cochlear non linearity or distortion phenomena
·         1966 - Heinrich Spoendlin discovers that up to 95 percent of auditory nerve fibres terminate on the inner hair cells.
·        In 1972 Dallos and co workers reported that OHC are necessary for normal cochlear sensitivity and neural sensitivity and thresholds are elevated when OHCs are selectively destroyed.
·        In 1975 Ryan and Dallos and in 1978 Dallos and Harris proposed direct interaction between OHCs and IHCs provide a frequency dependent sensitizing influence to IHCs.
·        Kemp in 1978 observed that a brief acoustic click elicited an echo from cochlea that couldn’t be explained by the simple linear vibration.
·        In 1980 Dallos reported origins of prominent non linear processes found in OHC.
·        1989: Patuzzi, Yates, and Johnstone found that most cochlear disruptions known to reduce neural sensitivity also reduce OHC receptor current, and that the mathematical relationships between the drop in receptor current and the (resultant) threshold elevation are quantitatively very similar for most cochlear disruptions.

               The general function of the cochlea is to translate the mechanical vibration of the stapes and the inner ear fluids into neural responses in the auditory branch of the VIIIth cranial nerve. The auditory nerve interacts with the hair cells by way of synaptic junctions, and hair cells are attached to the basilar membrane by the supporting cells. Thus, the vibration of the fluids causes the basilar membrane to vibrate, which in turn causes the cilia of the hair cells to bend. The bending of the cilia causes the hair cells to start the initiation of a neural potential, which is sent along the auditory nerve. Thus the hair cells, in connection with the basilar membrane, translate (transducer) mechanical information into neural information (the inner hair cells are the actual biological transducers), that initiate a complex series of events, ultimately leading to the perception of sound.   
                                             The function of the cochlea.
            In general cochlear mechanics may be defined as the phenomenon which deals with the dynamic responses of the cochlea during acoustic stimulation and the ways in which the mechanical events are believed to set the stage for transduction into the electromechanical events that stimulates fibres of the cochlear nerve.
The cochlear mechanics can be described in 2 classes
    • Micromechanics
    • Macro mechanics (BM mechanics)
              The vibration of BM and Organ of Corti relative to the surrounding bony structures is known as macro mechanical vibration, while the complex vibration of parts of the O.C relative to one another is known as micromechanical vibration. Both these vibrations are normally atomic or at most molecular vibrations, comparable with the width of a cell membrane (less than 10 mm), and they are not independent : not only does macro mechanical vibration of the BM “drive” the macro mechanical vibration of the OC, but the micromechanics greatly affect the macro mechanics. 
             For a pure tone stimulus, the wave grows as it travels, reaching a maximum at a position known as the wave’s characteristic place, and then collapse abruptly so that no vibration exists beyond a cochlear position known as the wave’s cut off region. The characteristic place and cut off region are positioned along the cochlear length according to the place- frequency map: high frequencies towards the cochlear base, closer to the stapes and low frequencies closer to the cochlear apex.
·        The structure of the cochlea can be simplified considerably; it can be treated functionally as if the cochlea were uncoiled and the whole cochlear partition were a single membrane separating scala vestibule from scala tympani.
·        Furthermore, in terms of how sound energy ultimately is utilized by the cochlea, it is the properties of the basilar membrane which are of greatest importance, to the extent that it is generally equated with the cochlear partition in the simplified cochlea.

·        As the stapes is pushed inward, a difference in pressure, or pressure gradient, develops across the cochlear partition. Since the fluids of the cochlea are incompressible, something has to give, so the basilar membrane is deflected towards the scala tympani. The displaced fluid, in turn, causes the outward displacement of the round window. As the stapes moves outward, the opposite happens. The basilar membrane is deflected upward and the round window is pulled inward. Thus, as the stapes vibrates in the oval window, the basilar membrane, indeed the entire contents of the cochlear partition, is set into an up and down motion following the alternating motion which follows the alternating pressure gradient across it. Thus, most of the vibratory energy delivered by the stapes to the cochlear fluids is coupled to the basilar membrane.

·        Although the middle ear provides the most efficient route of communication, the basilar membrane can also be set into motion by vibrating the skull.

·        For any given frequency of sound impinging upon the ear, the up-down displacement of the basilar membrane will vary in amplitude along its length; however, except for the most intense and/or very low frequency sounds, the whole membrane will not be set in motion simultaneously.

·        The peak-to-peak amplitude gradually increases until a certain distance is reached, after which, there is a rapid reduction in the displacement.

·        All possible instantaneous values of displacements are contained within a pattern or what might be called the envelope.

·        Examining the motion along the whole length of the basilar membrane (for one frequency), a wave is observed to move from the base to apex. This is called a travelling wave. It always progresses from one end of the cochlea to the other, specifically from base to apex.

·        Along the basilar membrane the waves are never stationary, as would be the case if a string vibrated at a modal frequency. That is why the waves in the cochlea are called “travelling waves”.

·        The waves start slowly as they move onto the shore, build up to a peak, and then break off dramatically.

·        One of the constraints in the cochlea, is the limited width of the medium (the basilar membrane), so the travelling wave envelope can be seen as a bulge in the membrane.


·        The wavelength is constantly changing with distance, becoming shorter as the wave approaches the apex.
·        This, in turn, leads to a progressively increasing time lag of the motion of the basilar membrane (in reference to the motion of the stapes), due to the increasing arrival time of the wave.
·        These factors suggest that the medium of the wave, the basilar membrane, must have properties changing with distance. Its width varies from the base to the apex which suggests variations in stiffness and mass.
·        It also seems likely that different frequencies will optimally activate different regions of the basilar membrane, since these factors are expected to have frequency-dependent effects on the motion of the membrane.
·        It was the late Nobel laureate Georg Von Bekesy who first demonstrated travelling waves in the cochlea and to whom the travelling wave theory is attributed.
·        In cadaver specimens of human cochlea, he observed that, indeed, low frequency sounds elicit travelling waves which have their maxima near the apex and as the frequency increases the maximum of displacement moves towards the base.
·         It is the location at which the peak of the envelope occurs which is believed to be the basis for the brain’s decision as to the pitch of a sound.
·        In effect, the cochlea performs a spectrum analysis of the sound entering the ear wherein it translates the frequency(s) of the sound into distance(s) along the basilar membrane – a frequency-to-place or tonotopical transformation.
·        Each frequency contained in a sound creates its own travelling wave. For complex sounds such as speech, the resulting pattern of vibration along the cochlear partition is also quite complex since the component travelling waves are all superimposed.
·        The primary determinant of the frequency-to-place transformation is, specifically, the stiffness of the basilar membrane. The variation in its width from base to apex brings about an approximate 100:1 change in stiffness, wherein it is most stiff in the base, where it is narrowest, and least stiff in the apex, where it is widest.
·        The friction and mass of the structures resting on the membrane and of the basilar membrane itself cannot be ignored.
·        The viscosity of the fluids surrounding the basilar membrane and its own internal friction determine the damping in the motion of the travelling wave.
·        The gradient of stiffness along the basilar membrane is the key factor determining the tonotopical transformation. It is important to note that the elasticity of the membrane itself (per unit area) does not change significantly along its length.

·        Given by Helmholtz (1895).
·        He proposed that the basilar membrane was constructed of segments that resonated in response to different frequencies, and that these segments were arranged according to location (place) along the length of the basilar membrane.
·        To achieve this tuning, the segments at different locations would have to be under different degrees of tensions.
·        A sound entering the cochlea causes the vibration of the segments that are tuned to (resonate at) the frequencies that it contains. Because the resonators are laid out according to place, the locations of the vibrating segments signal along which frequencies are represented.

·        Rutherford’s “Telephone Theory” claimed that the entire cochlea responds as a whole to all frequencies instead of being activated on a place-by-place basis.
·        All aspects of stimulus waveform would be transmitted to the auditory nerve (like a telephone receiver connected to the telephone wire), and then the frequency analysis is accomplished at higher levels in the auditory system.

·        Given by Wever (1949).
·        He proposed that several neurons operating as a group could fire in response to each cycle of a high-frequency sound, even though none of them can do so individually.
·        This is possible if one neuron fires in response to the next cycle (while the first nerve cell is still in its refractory period), etc.

·        Given by Wever & Lawrence (1954).
·        It involves the combined operation of both place and temporal mechanisms. Low frequencies are handled by temporal coding, high frequencies by place, and an interaction of the two mechanisms occurs for the wide range of frequencies between the two extremes.

·        Given by Edwald, it is one of the non-resonance theories.
·        According to this theory, a sinusoidal movement of the stapes sets up a series of standing waves along the basilar membrane, with wavelengths varying according to frequency.
·        It is the task of the nervous system to resolve the separate stimuli spread out over the membrane into the impression of a single tone. A different vibratory pattern or “sound image” represents a different tone.
·        Because the entire task of analysis is related to the nervous system, whose activities were completely unknown, it was not possible to draw any further conclusions on the basis of this theory.
Travelling Wave Theory
             The cochlea is a complex hydro-mechanical system activated by the motion of the stapes footplate. Inward motion of the footplate produces an increase in pressure in the perilymph near the oval window. Outward motion results in lowered pressure. Because the bony cochlear capsule is inflexible, an outward or inward bulging of the round window membrane compensates for the pressure on the cochlea. However, to reach the round window, the pressure must be absorbed by and transmitted across the cochlear partition. Because the partition is flexible, it can be displaced in both directions and transfer the pressure change to the fluid in the region of the round window. The resulting energy exchange between the surrounding fluids and the moving partition initiates a characteristic wave pattern that progresses along the partition from the base to the apex. Because of its progression along the cochlea, the phenomenon is known as a travelling wave.
             The development of the TW along the BM is dependent on the vibratory input to the cochlea that is provided by the stapes. In general, compression waves drive the BM downward and the rarefaction waves drive the BM upward (von Bekesy, 1960, 1970).
             The more recent results regarding the travelling wave are a development of the approach pioneered by G. von Bekesy and our current knowledge will be introduced through a discussion of his work. Von Bekesy in a long series of experiments, described in a collected form (von Bekesy, 1960), examined the movement of the cochlear partition in human and animal cadavers. Temporal bones were rapidly dissected soon after death and were immersed in saline solution. Rubber windows were substituted for the round and oval windows, and a mechanical vibrator was attached to one of them. The cochlear wall was opened under water for observation of the partition within. By microscopic and stroboscopic observation of silver particle scattered on Reissener’s membrane, von Bekesy was able to plot out the now-classic travelling wave pattern as shown below.
Fig:5 Travelling waves in the cochlea were first shown by von Bekesy. The full lines show the pattern of deflection of the cochlear partition at successive instants, as numbered. The waves are contained within an envelope which is static (dotted lines). Stimulus frequency: 200Hz.
              Von Bekesy presumed that this was similar to the movement of membrane carrying the transducers themselves, namely the basilar membrane. For a stimulus of fixed frequency the cochlear partition vibrated with a wave that gradually grew in amplitude as it moved up the cochlea from the stapes, reached a maximum, and then rapidly declined. The wave of displacement moved more and more slowly as it passed up the cochlea, so the phase changed with distance at an accelerating rate. And the apparent wavelength of the vibration decreased. However, the frequency of vibration at any point was, of course, the same as that of the input.
              Von Bekesy’s plots were made in two ways. By opening a length of cochlea it was possible to see the pattern of movement distribution along the membrane, and so plot the waveforms and their envelopes for sounds of different frequencies. The vibration envelopes found by von Bekesy are shown in figure below.They show the important point that as the frequency of the stimuli was increased, the position of the vibration maximum moved towards the base of the cochlea. Thus high frequency tones produced a vibration pattern peaking at the base of the cochlea. Low-frequency tones, in contrast, produced most vibration at the apex of the cochlea, although, because of the long tail of the vibration envelope, there was some response near the base as well.
Fig:6 Displacement envelop on the cochlear partition are shown for tones of different frequency. The slower plot shows the relative phase angle of the displacement.
          A second way in which von Bekesy measured the vibration pattern is indicated in the figure below. He opened the cochlea at certain points, and measured the vibration at those points as the frequency was varied. Figure (7) shows his results for six points on the membrane, the peak-to-peak stapes displacement being kept constant as he varied the frequency at each point. Note that, as before, it is the most basal point that responds best to the highest frequencies. Note the shallow slope on the low-frequency side, and much steeper slope on the high-frequency side. In going from the space axis of figure (5) to the frequency axis of figure (7) the direction of variation of the parameters marked on the curves and the abscissa have to be reversed, although the position of the steep and shallow slopes are the same.
             Von Bekesy’s results can be summarized as follows: vibration of stapes give rise to a travelling wave of displacement on the basilar membrane. For a vibration of a particular frequency, the vibration on the basilar membrane grows in amplitude as the wave travels towards the apex, and then, beyond a certain point, dies out rapidly which is called the cut off region. The wave travels more and more slowly as it travels up the cochlea. Low-frequency sounds peak a long way along the membrane, near the apex, and high frequency sounds only a short way along, near the base. On the basis of his results, therefore, the basilar membrane appears to act substantially as a low-pass filter.
Figure (7): Frequency responses are shown for six different points on the cochlear partition.
         The amplitude of the travelling wave was envelope was measured as the stimulus frequency was varied with constant peak stapes displacements. The position of the point of observation is marked on each curve.

            The sound wave is a very important aspect in the analysis of sound by the auditory system, because the pattern of movement of the basilar membrane depends on the frequency of stimulus. For a sine wave of a single frequency, the vibration has a sharp peak which is confined to a narrow region of the basilar membrane. This means that the mechanical system shows a high degree of frequency selectivity. The frequency selectivity depends on the mechanics of the basilar membrane and the cochlear fluids, and their interaction with hair cell responses.
            The basilar membrane composed of fibrous and connective tissue stretches radially from the spiral lamina to the spiral ligament and longitudinally from the base of the cochlea to the apex.
·        Length of the BM is 32 mm (David J, JASA, 1980).
·        The width of the basilar membrane increases from about 150 µm in the base to approximately 450µm in the apex.(Musiek F. & Baran J. 2007).
·        The stiffness of the basilar membrane decreases from base to apex.
            Because of the structural differences of the partition, the travelling wave does not maintain uniform amplitude throughout the cochlea. From its origin at the base, it increases in amplitude while progressing toward the apex until it reaches a maximum, beyond which it declines rapidly. Moreover, the location along the cochlea at which the travelling wave reaches its largest amplitude changes with the frequency of the stimulating signal. High frequency stimuli generate the maximum wave amplitude at the base of the cochlea. For low frequencies, the maximum amplitude of the displacement is toward the apex (von Bekesy, 1984).
           The physical characteristics of the BM play a role in the velocity of the TW (Dallos, 1996) the basal end which is stiffer and smaller is prone to quick movements (i.e. higher frequencies). Zwislocki (2002) relates that at the basal most aspect of the cochlea, the TW velocity is 100m per second and it slows down to about 2 – 4 m per second at or near the apex.
            Also because of the base-to-apex changes in width, mass, and, especially, stiffness, the ability of the partition to absorb energy from high-frequency changes in fluid pressure is diminished toward the apex. Hence, high-frequency energy excites only the basal region, whereas low-frequency energy is allowed to travel further along the cochlea (von Bekesy, 1949, 1960). The end result is that different frequencies of stimulation produce displacement envelop maxima at different locations along the cochlea. The vibrations of all but the lowest audible frequencies do not travel the entire length of the cochlear partition. Instead, they die down before reaching the helicotrema. High-frequency stimuli are extinguished quite close to the base, whereas low-frequency stimuli are propagated further toward the apex (Figure: 8).
           Different locations are thus tuned to different stimulus frequencies. The hydro-mechanical wave action of the cochlea map the frequency of a given stimuli in the spatial extent and maximum amplitude of the travelling waves that the stimulus produces. If two different frequencies are received by the cochlea simultaneously they will each create maximum displacement at different points along the basilar membrane. This separation of complex signal into different maximal points of displacement along the basilar membrane corresponding to the sinusoidal components of which the complex signal is composed means the B.M is performing a type of spectral analysis also called as BAND PASS FILTER ACTION of the B.M.
Figure (4): Diagram of travelling wave envelopes for three frequencies. Amplitude of displacement greatly exaggerated.
            Also there is greater displacement of the BM for high intensities compared to low intensities. Hence, it can be concluded that the excursion size of the TW is related to the intensity of the stimulus and the peak of the excursion is related to the frequency component of the stimulus.
            As the intensity of the acoustic stimulus increases, the peak displacement of the BM becomes broader and grows in amplitude, but with considerable compression across the intensity range. This is especially in the case of high intensities.
             Ruggero (1992) made some comparisons for a 3 dB SPL and an 83 dB SPL 9 kHZ tone in an animal model. If the basilar membrane responses were linear, the 83 dB SPL tone should have yielded a BM deflection that was 10,000 times greater than the deflection that would have occurred for the 3 dB SPL tone. If so the deflections would be so great that the BM would hit the bony structures of the cochlea during both negative and positive deflections causing significant trauma to the BM and the hair cells. But this obviously does not happen. Instead there were major compression effects that resulted in an amplitude increase of only 4 times over this intensity range. This compression function within the cochlea serves as a protective mechanism to the O.C. These measurements were made at high frequencies. It was observed that there is less compression for low frequencies than there is for high frequencies (Rhode & Cooper, 1996).
              At very low intensities, the BM gets a boost from the cochlear amplifier resulting in increased BM excursions. These effects are more greatly seen for high frequencies.
             This mechanical amplification of low intensity tones and the compression of high intensity tones were also demonstrated by comparing BM responses to those of the stapes (Ruggero,1992 ; Geisler, 1998). Unlike the BM response, the stapes’ displacement for acoustic stimulation is close to linear. The BM response to a weak tone (3 dB SPL at 9 kHz) is much greater than that of the stapes and as the tonal intensity increases, the BM response compresses while the stapes displacement increases linearly.
             The travelling wave progresses from the base to the apex because of the difference in the physical characteristics of the basilar membrane, not because the oval window first stimulates the cochlear base. In fact, the travelling wave has an identical pattern if stimulation is provided artificially at the cochlear apex. Moreover, progression does not occur because energy is transmitted from one region of the basilar membrane to the adjacent region. An incision made entirely through the basilar membrane does not affect the nature of the travelling wave (von Bekesy, 1960).
·        Called the helicotrema, the canal ensures that slow or low-frequency pressure fluctuations introduced into either the scala vestibuli or the scala tympani are distributed almost equally to the other chamber, preventing a large differential pressure across the partition and damaging displacements of hair cells.
·        For such low frequencies, an oscillatory movement of the stapes simply pumps perilymph through the helicotrema and displaces the round window.
·        It should be emphasized, however, that the helicotrema is only effective for very low frequencies: above a particular cut-off frequency (normally a few hundred Hertz, depending on the size of the helicotrema and therefore the species; Dallos 1970; Ruggero, Robles, and Rich 1986a,b), the helicotrema is unable to pass pressure fluctuations because the combination of the fluid mass and viscosity within its small cross-sectional area forms an effective ‘acoustic plug’.
           Most pressure fluctuations of audible frequency cannot pass through the helicotrema and do not make it as far as the helicotrema in any case. Rather, they take a “short cut” through the cochlear partition near the cut-off region for the stimulus frequency
·        It has been assumed so far that the macro-mechanical vibration is purely “passive,” or powered solely by the incoming sound. The passive waves propagating in such a passive system may or may not travel in the forward or reverse direction (from and to the stapes respectively), depending on the site of the perturbation along the cochlea and its frequency relative to the cut-off frequency of each cochlear region encountered in its travels.
·        Probably the most important realization in cochlear physiology has been that OHCs inject mechanical energy into a travelling wave as it passes them, creating a larger vibration than would be present otherwise.
·        The resulting active wave shares many of the features of the passive travelling wave, and it grows relative to the passive wave as long as the active hair cells are adding energy to it. With such active assistance, a much lower sound level is required to produce particular amplitude of vibration or a particular hair cell or neural response.
·        In addition, the active travelling wave is more localized along the cochlear length, apparently due to the decreased damping or improved “quality factor” for each incremental segment along the cochlear length, due to the partial cancellation of friction by the active hair cells.
·        Finally, the active wave is labile, reverting to the passive travelling wave if the active process is disrupted or at high sound levels when the active process appears to become relatively less important.
·        The progressive change from an active vibration pattern at low sound levels to a passive pattern at high sound levels is responsible for much of the nonlinearity in cochlear mechanics.

           The main areas of interest in cochlear hair cell mechanics is the tip links and their ability to open and close ion channels and electro-motility of OHCs.
It’s assumed that 
1.      The macro-mechanical vibration of the BM platform upon which the OC rests is not at all affected by the complicated micromechanical properties of the OC.
2.      The micromechanical vibration of each segment of the OC along the cochlear length is independent of all other segments.
               Although neither assumption is correct, both are useful when introducing the main concepts of cochlear micromechanics. To a great extent, the focus of cochlear function is to direct mechanical stimulation to the stereo cilia of the IHCs. Therefore, a reasonably complete understanding of the mechanics of cochlea must explain how the vibrations of the cellular and membranous components of the cochlear partition result in deflections of the IHC stereo cilia. Thus, it’s of immense strength to investigate the “micromechanics” of the cochlea i.e how various sites of the organ of corti, the BM, and the TM move in relation to each other, preferably in individual ears. 
              Inside the bony labyrinth of the cochlea is a membraneous cochlea that consists of three fluid filled canals that spiral around the modiolus. The scala vestibuli is the largest of the canals. The scala tympani extends from the round window to the apex of the cochlea and communicates with the cochlea through a small opening called the helicotrema. The SV and the ST contain perilymph which is similar in composition to CSF (i.e. high Na+and low K+). Lying between the ST and the SV is another fluid filled duct known as the scala media. It consists of endolymph which is similar to intracellular fluid (i.e. high K+ and low Na+). The ionic composition of endolymph is such that it gives rise to a positive endocochlear potential that is critical for normal cochlear functioning.  
                Stereocilia which emerge in rows from the apical surfaces of the IHCs form a gently curving arc. The row of stereo cilia is arranged in a staircase pattern with the tallest row facing the lateral wall of the cochlea and the shortest row facing the modiolus. The rows of stereo cilia on the OHC are arranged in a W pattern; the stereocilia are graduated in height with the tallest row facing the lateral wall.
               The stereocilia maintain a constant thickness along most of their length but taper to a narrow shaft as they enter the cuticular plate which creates a point where the stereocilia can pivot when they are deflected. The cilia are composed of actin which makes them rigid.
             Two types of filaments form lateral cross links within and between the rows of stereocilia which are called the ‘sidelinks’. The sidelinks hold the stereocilia together causing the bundle to move in unison when mechanical force is applied to the bundle. A thin filament called the ‘tiplink’ courses from the shaft of one stereocilium to the tip of the shorter stereocilium in the next shorter row. As the stereocilia bundle is deflected in the direction of the tallest row of stereocilia, tension increases in the tiplink. This in turn pulls open the mechanically gated ion channels located near the tip of the cilia.
               The graded heights of the cilia set up the function of the tiplinks. The crosslinks support the cilia and allow the cilia to move in unison. The tiplinks open up pores in the cilia to allow ion flow through channels whenever the cilia are deflected toward the tallest cilia (excitatory). These pores and their associated ion channels are closed when the cilia are deflected in the opposite direction. (Inhibitory).
             The stria vascularis plays a critical role in maintaining the ionic composition of the endolymph and the endocochlear potential. The electrical potential and the ionic composition of endolymph is maintained by several different ion transport mechanisms that recycle potassium from the endolymph through the sensory hair cells, the fibrocytes in the spiral ligament, the cells of the stria vascularis and back into the endolymph. When the stereocilia are deflected, K+ in the endolymph flows through the hair cells into the perilymph, through the spiral ligament and stria vascularis, and then back into the endolymph. Ions also flow from the endolymph to the stria vascularis through the outer sulcus cells and through Reissener’s membrane.
          Four ion transport mechanisms have been identified maintaining the high K+ concentration in the endolymph
·        A selective K+ channel, located on the apical membrane of the marginal cells which releases K+ into the endolymph. The membrane potential across the apical surface of the marginal cells is about 0 to +10 mV, and the activation and deactivation of K+ is relatively slow (Marcus et al 1998).
·        The electrogenic Na+/K+ ATPase pump are located in the basolateral membrane of the marginal cells. During one cycle of ATP hydrolysis, the marginal cells take up 2 K+ ions and three Na+ ions that are extruded into the interstitial fluid.
·        The Na+/2 Cl-/K+  co-transporter contributes to the uptake of an additional three K+  ions from the intrastrial space as well as Na+  and Cl-
·        Finally a Cl-   channel also located on the basolateral membrane of marginal cells contributes to the flow of Cl- from the marginal cells into the intrastrial space. As a result of these mechanisms, the concentration of K+ in the intrastrial space is quite low while that inside the intermediate cells is quite high. Although the marginal cells are responsible for the movement of K+ from the intrastrial space to the endolymph, it is the large potential difference between the intrastrial fluid and the cytosol of the intermediate cells that is now thought to be responsible for the +80 mV endocochlear potential. These play an important role in hair cell transduction.

Hair cell mechanics

          Upon stimulation the BM begins to move in either an upward direction towards the scala vestibuli or a downward deflection toward the scala tympani depending on the phase of the stapes movement.

Condensation wave        inward movement of stapes      downward deflection of BM (inhibitory)

Rarefaction wave      outward movement of stapes   upward deflection of BM (excitatory).

             If the compression wave results in the BM being deflected downward, it will not result in a hair cell firing until the rarefaction segment of the wave causes the BM to move upward. On the other hand, a rarefaction stimulus will result in the hair cells firing immediately.
           During a compression wave the OHCs move away from the limbus as the BM rotates downward. The OHCs cilia which are attached to the tactorial membrane move towards the limbus because the membrane is stretched by the deflection of the BM (inhibitory). Although the cilia are relatively stiff, they rotate quite easily at their bases. In downward deflection the cilia rotate counter clockwise. Because the stereocilia are interconnected by side links (Pickles, Comis & Osborne), all the cilia on a hair cell bend with this shearing force.
              Since the IHC’s cilia do not touch the tactorial membrane their deflection must be indirect. The most likely scenario is that the fluid in the sub-tactorial is pushed away or toward the IHC’s cilia. This could be a result of the deflection of the OHCs’ cilia pushing fluid toward the IHCs when there is downward movement of the BM. It is possible that the Hensen’s stripe, an eminence protruding downward from the underside of the tactorial membrane immediately above the IHCs, may play a role in the deflection of the IHCs stereocilia. More specifically, as the fluid flows in the sub-tactorial space to the region of the IHC cilia, Hensens’s stripe may cause a constriction, adding to the force of the fluid flow against the cilia. The cilia of the hair cells are arranged in rows of different heights.

               During a compression stimulus, the cilia are bent toward the limbus. This results in the tiplinks losing their tension on the so called trap door and the trap door closes entirely -hyperpolarisation.
                Conversely when there is a rarefaction stimulus the cilia are pushed toward their tallest neighbour which causes considerable tension on the tiplinks and the trapdoor is opened to allow ion flow into the cells -depolarisation. It has been stated that movements of 100 nm are sufficient to open the ion channels. 
     Q.  What happens to the cochlear hair cells when a particular region of the cochlear partition is set into motion?
              The effective stimulus to the cochlear hair cells causes the displacement of their stereocilia from their resting position (Hudspeth & Corey, 1977; Richardson & Cody, 1986). In some of earlier theories of hearing, the up-and-down movement of hair cells and contact of the stereocilia with the tactorial membrane were thought to be the active stimulus for the neural impulse of hearing. For the outer hair cells, the displacement is thought to occur as follows. The hinge points about which the basilar and tactorial membranes rotate during the displacement of the cochlear partition are different. Also outer edge of the tactorial membrane is not firmly attached to the organ of Corti. The effect of this arrangement is shown below picture. Vertical displacement of the cochlear partition drags the tactorial membrane across the surface of the organ of Corti and produces a radial shearing force on the longest row of the outer hair cell- sensory hairs (Dallos, 1992) whose tips are embedded in tactorial membrane (Kimura).

                             Probable pattern of shearing action between the tactorial membrane and the organ of Corti. The hairs of inner hair cells, which are not attached to the tactorial membrane, are thought to be displaced by fluid movement. Bottom: Organ at rest. Top: during displacement toward scala vestibuli. From Ryan & Dallos (1996)
Organ of Corti 
             The organ of Corti rests upon the basilar membrane; it is obvious that the travelling waves produce certain kinds of mechanical movements on it. The structure of this organ favours mechanical deformation of the inner and outer hair cells and the stereo cilia that project from their upper surfaces. The effect of the basilar membrane displacement on the hair cells depends upon structures that surround these cells, such as the arches of Corti and the tactorial membrane. 
Arches of Corti
               The motion of the arches of Corti during propagation of a travelling wave is rather complex. Let’s consider the basilar membrane as a ribbon with its ends fixed. In below figure an instantaneous wave form of the basilar membrane is shown. Displacement along the longitudinal axis is less along p than along q because the former is closer to the boundary of the lateral suspension at the spiral lamina.
 Schematic drawing of an instantaneous waveform of the basilar membrane in longitudinal and traverse cross sections
Fig:21  (a) Longitudinal motion of the vertex of an arch of Corti at locus y. (b) Vertical and radial motions of the vertex of an arch of Corti at locus y.
           The resultant displacement of the vertex toward the apex is through angle .Recall that at an instant one-half cycle later, the membrane would have a displacement in the form of a mirror image, so that the vertex would then be displaced toward the base. 
               The Dieters’’ cells with their phalangeal processes, the reticular lamina, the cells for lateral buttressing, and the fluid (or fluids) of the scala media all place constraints upon movement. Nevertheless, the inner and outer hair cells, inclined as they are along the inner and outer pillars, clearly are subject to mechanical deformation by movements of the more rigid arches of Corti. 
                The mechanical couplings of the structure of the organ of Corti make the arches especially well suited to the conversion of longitudinal travelling waves on the basilar membrane to radial shearing forces as shown below.                             
              However, downward movement of the pillar results in a shear toward the outer hair cells (OHC), whereas upward movement results in a shear toward the inner hair cells (IHC). Whereas downward movement of the outer pillar has a strong effect, upward movement shows little effect, and such effect as occurs passes through an inflection.  
Figure (20): The effects of displacement of the outer pillar of an arch of Corti, measured in arbitrary angular units, on radial movement (solid line) and vertical movement (dashed line) of the arch’s vertex, measured in arbitrary linear units. The solid line should be read against the left ordinate, the dashed line against the right ordinate.
Tactorial membrane
            As shown above, the tactorial membrane has its fulcrum at or near its medial attachment to the limbus, tactorial membrane is thinnest. It, too, undergoes motion during propagation of a travelling wave, and it is believed to play an important role in cochlear mechanics through its intimacy with the stereocilia of the hair cells. Many of the stereocilia of the outer hair cells actually penetrate the gelatinous underside of the tactorial membrane.
               Part (a) of figure (21) represents the mechanical means by which the tactorial membrane is supposed to deform the stereocilia of the outer hair cells. In the middle panel of part (a) the tactorial and the basilar membrane are identified, along with their respective places of pivot. The shaded rectangle represents an outer hair cell with a cilium arising from its top and embedded in the tactorial membrane at radius r. Radius r represents the locus of the centre of the base of the inner hair cell. Because of the difference in location of the fulcra (shown as open circles), upward and downward movements produced by travelling waves deflect the stereocilia to and fro along the radial axis. Whereas upward movement bends the stereocilia toward the stria vascularis, downward movement bends them in the opposite direction, toward the modiolus.
                The nature of coupling within the organ of Corti no doubt leads to some bending of stereocilia along the longitudinal axis. However, the stereocilia probably do not bend very much in the longitudinal direction because of the rather firm support from the surrounding structures. Clearly, the arches of Corti provide primarily for radial shear. Vertical forces may change the shape of the hair cell itself, causing it to become first fatter and then thinner with downward and upward movement, respectively.
             Part (b) of figure (21) shows the interaction between the radial shearing produced by the tactorial membrane and that produced by the arch of Corti. The downward displacement of the basilar membrane, and therefore of the outer pillar, produces a radial shear toward the stria vascularis, a direction exactly opposite to that produced by the tactorial membrane. The consequence is that the stereocilia are bent to a greater extent than would be the case if either shear operated alone.
Figure (21): (a) A schematic representation of the way the movements of the tactorial and basilar membranes bend the stereocilia of an outer hair cell. (b) The interaction of opposing shear forces from the tactorial membrane (solid arrow) and the arch of Corti (open arrow). On the upper right is the displacement of the stereocilia. 
              Due primarily to the 100-fold change in the stiffness of the basilar membrane, compressional sound waves in cochlear fluids produce membrane patterns that have maximum displacements at different places along the membrane as a function of sound frequency; and the precision with which the places are defined by mechanical means is adequate to account for the frequency tuning of the first order acoustic nerve fibres’. Further, the gradient of stiffness produces places according to a log frequency scale, with the low tones at the apex and the high tones at the base. Phase lags result in a travelling wave that moves the organ of Corti in such a way as to convert the longitudinal wave into two opposing radial shear forces, one produced by the arches of Corti and one produced by the tactorial membrane, that mechanically deform the hair cells and their stereocilia. 
             It is clearly established that sensory hair cells transduce mechanical into electrochemical activity when their stereocilia are bent. Specifically, sensory hair cells like those in cochlea are activated when their stereocilia are bent in a particular direction and inhibition occurs when they are bent in opposite direction. This concept is shown in figure (22). Bending of the stereocilia toward the basal body (centriole or rudimentary kinocilium) results in excitation, while bending in the opposite direction (away from rudimentary kinocilium) is inhibitory.  However, the basal body found at the base of the “W” shaped arrangement of stereocilia on the OHC’s. The base of the “W” faced toward the outside of the cochlear duct (away from the modiolus). Therefore, the process of cochlear hair cell activation involves the bending of the stereocilia away from the modiolus.
Figure (22): Directional sensitivity of sensory hair cells.
               The travelling waves result in longitudinal motion of the basilar membrane (rod of Corti) and radial motion of the tactorial membrane, which in turn shear the cilia of the hair cells so that they bend outward (away from the modiolus) when the membrane are deflected upward (toward scala vestibuli), resulting in depolarization of the hair cell.
                  The stereocilia of the outer hair cells (OHCs) are in intimate contact with the overlying tactorial membrane (except for the shorter ones); whereas the preponderance of information suggests that the inner hair cell (IHC) cilia do not make such contact. These differences imply alternative means of communicating the movements of the membranes to the stereocilia of the two types of hair cells. Subsequent studies have confirmed that the IHCs are activated by the velocity of basilar membrane movement. In other words, the OHCs respond to the amount of displacement and IHCs respond to the rate at which the displacement changes.
               The reason for this difference in the mode of activation is consistent with the different relationships of the inner and outer hair cell cilia to the tactorial membrane. Since the OHC cilia attach to the tactorial membrane, an effective stimulus is provided by the relative movement of the reticular and tactorial membranes, which depend upon basilar membrane displacement. The IHC, on the other hand, stand free of the tactorial membrane. Their stimulus is thus provided by the drag imposed by the surrounding viscous fluid as the basilar membrane is displaced; the greater the velocity of the basilar membrane displacement, the greater the drag exerted upon the cilia.
Hair Cell Responses
               The measurement of the hair cell responses was one of the important recent landmarks in the progress of the cochlear physiology. Inner hair cells of the mammalian cochlea were first recorded from by Russell and Sellick (1978). Since the very great majority of afferent auditory nerve fibres’ make their synaptic contacts with inner hair cells, it must be presumed that it is the job of inner hair cells to signal the movements of the cochlear partition to the central nervous system. Hair cell responses will be dealt with in terms of the resistance- modulation and battery theory of Davis (1958), In this theory, the endocochlear potential and the negative hair cell intracellular resting potential combine to form a potential gradient across the apical membrane of the hair cell.  Movement of the cochlear partition produces deflection of the stereocilia. The deflection opens ion channels in the stereocilia. Ions are driven into the cell by the potential gradient, causing intracellular voltage fluctuations. Intracellular depolarization causes release of transmitter, activating the auditory nerve.
Inner Hair Cells
               The membrane of the inner hair cell, like all cell membranes, is semi-permeable, which means that certain ion can penetrate the cell membrane while others rejected. An ion pump maintains a steady- state balance of ions across the membrane such that the interior of the cell is negative relative to the environment that surrounds it. Russell and Sellick (1978) recorded intracellularly from inner hair cells of the mammalian cochlea. They found resting potential of some – 45 mV. The inner hair cell is sensitive to displacements of its stereocilia along a single radial axis, and depending upon the direction of displacement, the effect on the cell membrane is to depolarize (excitatory) or to hyperpolarize (inhibitory).
                 The movement of the stereocilia toward the stria vascularis is believed to open up channels, located in their tips, through which passes K+ ions drawn down the stereocilia by the negativity inside the hair cell. An influx of K+ ions serves to depolarize the hair cell membrane in a wave that spread quickly to the base of the hair cell. At the base of the hair cells there are believed to be calcium channels in the hair cell membrane. Their opening and closing are voltage dependent. During depolarization the calcium channels open, and calcium ions also enter the hair cell at its base. In ways not fully understood, calcium ions appear to cause the pre-synaptic vesicles to fuse with the hair cell membrane and then release their contents into the synaptic space between the hair cell membrane and dendrites of the afferent neurons.
              Thus depolarization leads to the production of action potential in the auditory nerve. Movement of the stereocilia away from the stria vascularis closes the channels to potassium ions and leads to hyper-polarization of the hair cells. Hyperpolarization of the cell membrane closes the calcium channels and thus the initiation of neural spike activity in the postsynaptic cells.
Figure (30): Intracellular voltage changes in an inner hair cell for different frequencies of stimulation show that the relative size of the AC component declines at higher stimulus frequencies (number on right of the curves).
            It is possible conceptually to divide the potential changes in the hair cells into an AC response at the stimulus frequency, and a sustained DC depolarization.
              At the basal turn of the cochlea, an IHC for 300 Hz tone burst produces a predominantly AC response that depolarises and hyperpolarises around the resting potential. The AC response to low frequency tones is asymmetrical, with the depolarizing phase being significantly larger than the hyperpolarizing phase.                                           The asymmetry results in an AC response that rides upon a DC depolarization. As the stimulus frequency is raised, the AC component of the voltage declines relative to the DC component, so that frequencies of a few kHz and above, the AC component are much smaller than the DC component [lower traces, figure (30)]. Russell and Sellick (1983) described this to the capacitance of the hair cell membrane. Hair cell membranes, like all cell membrane have capacitance and capacitance offer low impedance to AC currents at high frequencies. At high frequencies, therefore, the AC current was short circuited by the low impedance of the hair cell membrane, reducing the AC voltage response of the cell.
              At the apical turn of the cochlea the IHC show maximum responses around the CF and the responses drop off rapidly at frequencies above and below CF at moderate intensities.
I.H.C Relation to the Basilar Membrane Response.
                The close correspondence between hair cell responses and basilar membrane responses can be shown in several ways. First, the tuning curve for an inner hair cell is shown in figure (31). The curve has a low threshold, sharply- tuned tip, at the best or “characteristic” frequency (CF). There is also a high threshold and broadly- tuned tail, stretching to low frequencies. The shape corresponds to the tuning curve for the mechanical response of the basilar membrane .The tuning of inner hair cells therefore appears to be derived from the tuning of the basilar membrane, although it is possible that there are some differences in the high threshold tail.
Figure (31): Inner (o) and outer () hair cells have very similar tuning curves. The curves are also very similar to those for the mechanical response of the basilar membrane
               Correspondingly, intensity functions for inner hair cells are similar to those of the basilar membrane mechanical response [figure (32);  Around the CF (17 kHz) for this particular hair cell), the response grew linearly at first, at the rate of a 10- fold voltage change for a 20 dB increase in stimulus intensity, parallel to the dotted line. When the intensity was raised further, the response at and near CF grew nonlinearly, i.e. with a shallow slope. At frequencies above CF the response saturated to a low maximum output voltage, and well below the CF (e.g. 2 kHz) the response grew entirely linearly. Again, both of these indicate that inner hair cell responses closely follow basilar membrane mechanical response. 
Figure (32): AC intensity functions for an inner hair cell show an approximately linear increase in potential at the lowest intensities at each frequency, followed by saturation. The parameter marked on each curve shows the frequency of stimulation in kHz; this cell was most sensitive at 17 kHz. Dotted line: slope for linear growth. 
Input – output functions of I.H.C
             The relations between the acoustic stimulus and the responses can be described by the input –output function. Here, the instantaneous value of the input stimulus pressure is plotted against the instantaneous value of the intracellular potential [figure (33)]. It is possible to construct these functions only for low – frequency stimuli, where the AC component of the intracellular response has not been attenuated by the capacitance of the cell walls. The function is asymmetric in various ways.
           First, the maximum excursion in the positive, depolarizing direction is greater than the maximum excursion in the negative, hyperpolarizing direction. Secondly, the maximum depolarization is reached much more gradually and at much greater sound pressure excursions, than the maximum hyperpolarization. The function in figure (33) describes how in response to sinusoidal stimulation, the depolarizing potential changes in the hair cell are greater than the hyperpolarizing ones.
Figure (33): Input – output functions are made by plotting the instantaneous value of the intracellular voltage change (vertical axis) against the instantaneous value of the stimulus pressure during sinusoidal stimulation (horizontal axis). The function for an inner hair cell shows voltage changes in the depolarizing direction (upwards) that are greater than those in the hyperpolarizing direction (downwards). Stimulus frequency: 600 Hz

Outer Hair Cells
            Outer hair cells have proved to be particularly difficult to record from. One reason may be that outer hair cells are suspended by their apical and basal ends within the space of Nuel, so that an advancing electrode tends to push them aside rather than penetrate. The position of outer hair cells halfway across the cochlear duct, rather than the edge, may also mean that they can move more easily away from the electrode. Davis proposed that the two resting potentials (endocochlear (+80 mV) and intracellular (-70 mV) create a steady resting current flow across the organ of Corti through the hair cells. The outer hair cells are mechanically distorted by radial shearing forces produced by the relative movement of the reticular lamina and the tactorial membrane, between which lies the stereocilia. Movement of the stereocilia may displace the cuticular plate, which, in turn, changes the electrical resistance at the top of the hair cell, where stereocilia penetrate the hair cells. Modulation of resistance controls the release of neurotransmitter into the hair cell- dendrite synapse.
           AC and DC responses can be recorded from the OHCs but they tend to be smaller than in IHCs. Both the IHCs and OHCs produce an AC response to low frequency tone but the OHC response is smaller and predominantly hyperpolarising whereas the IHC response is depolarising. The characteristics of the OHC’s AC responses are level dependent. AC responses are symmetrical at low levels, predominantly hyperpolarising at moderate levels and depolarizing at high levels. OHCs and IHCs produce little or no AC response to high frequencies but the IHCs produce a large DC depolarization response whereas the OHCs produce only a small depolarization.
           Dallos and his colleagues recorded in the apical (low- frequency) end of the guinea-pig cochlea (Dallos et al, 1982; Dallos, 1985, 1986). With stimulation at moderate intensities at the CF, they showed that there was a depolarizing DC response superimposed on the AC component. Unlike the basal turn OHCs, the DC component could become hyperpolarizing at frequencies just below CF. Figure (35) shows how the DC component changed polarity with stimulus frequency. If the stimulus intensity was raised, the frequency range over which depolarization could be obtained spread, so that the response became consistently depolarizing. 
Figure (35): AC and DC responses of an outer hair cell at the apical (low- frequency end of the guinea-pig cochlea. The hair cell shows a DC depolarization for stimuli near the best frequency (800 Hz), and DC hyperpolarization for stimuli 500Hz. The stimulus intensity was kept constant at 30 dB SPL.
               The hyperpolarizing DC component seen with low-frequency, medium- intensity, stimuli in outer hair cells can be explained by an input- output function in which the excursions in the hyperpolarizing direction are larger than those in the depolarizing direction. Unlike the other DC components which appeared and disappeared instantaneously with the AC response, the high-intensity DC component in basal turn outer hair cells took several cycle to develop, and several cycles to disappear after the end of the stimulus. This suggests that it cannot simply been thought of as a distortion component of an AC response, and that a description in terms of an input-output function is not appropriate. Here, the DC response might, for instance, be metabolic, or due to factors such as changes in the ionic environment of hair cell produced as result of the acoustic stimulation.
Figure (36): Input- output for an outer hair cell in the base of guinea-pig cochlea.
                   The lack of DC component in basal turn outer hair cell, at moderate and low intensities of stimulation by high frequency sinusoids has an interesting implication. Since the AC current will be shunted through the capacitance of the cell wall, the intracellular AC voltage change can be expected to be small at high frequencies. This suggests that if to check outer hair cell function in hearing, it is the AC current through the outer hair cell that is most likely to be important.

O.H.C Relation to Basilar Membrane Responses
Figure (34): Intensity functions for an outer hair cell are similar to those of inner hair cells, although the response saturates more abruptly at high intensities.
Motility of O.H.C
           Motility of variety forms can be demonstrated in hair cells. Ashmore (1987) showed that outer hair cells isolated from guinea-pig cochlea were unable to change length in response to current introduced through an electrode. The cells shortened when the cell was depolarized and elongated when the cell was hyperpolarized. Analogous motility has been found by Brownell et al. (1985) and Kachar et al. (1986)
OHC has distinctly different motile responses. They are: 
A.    Fast motility: OHC motility that occurs within the same time domain as that of input acoustic vibration travelling through the cochlea. These would be length changes occurring within an exponential time course having latency at 120 microseconds. The electro motility is fast & occurs at frequencies up to the level of human hearing. The fast contraction can be triggered by mechanical displacement of stereo cilia (Evans & Dollos, 1993)
               Studies of isolated hair cells have demonstrated that the electro motility is elicited by changes in voltage across the OHC membrane (Santos & Sachii, 1991) and appears to be produced by different molecular motors along the length of the cell. Thus, fast motility is voltage dependant and not due to ionic current (Asmore, 1987). The molecular motors are embedded in the cell membrane of OHC. This was shown by preservation of electro motility. Even when intra cellular proteins are digested, shortening and lengthening of the OHCs is about 5 %. 
B.     Slow motility: Stimulation of hair cells and also result in a second form of electro-motility, gradual changes in length that occur over the course of seconds (Ohnishi, Hara, Inoue, et al. 1992).
             A slower motile process, with a time-constant of several seconds, was shown by Zenner et al. (1985), also in outer hair cell isolated from the guinea-pig cochlea. Changing the concentration produced a slow contraction or extension of the cell body. In other experiments, contraction could be produced by the application of ATP or inositol triphosphatase to the cell (Zenner, 1986; Schacht and Zenner, 1987).
            In these experiments, contraction was accompanied by the tilting of the cuticular plate. This can also be elicited by pharmacological agents including acetylcholine which has inhibitory affect on OHC motility. It’s released by efferent nerve endings terminating on the OHC. Slow motility may be due to interaction of actin & myosin, osmotic changes within the cell.
                The mechanisms of the various forms of motility are unclear. Motility of first type is not affected by changes in the or ATP concentration, nor by application of the anti-actin or anti-tubulin drugs (Ashmore, 1987; Holley and Ashmore, 1988). These findings together with the speed of the response, suggests that the motility is produced by a direct physical mechanism, rather than processes such as actin-myosin interactions. Suggested mechanisms involve the movement of charged components of the cell in the electric field (Kachar et al. 1986). Holley and Ashmore (1988) found that the motility persisted in cells which had been artificially swollen into a spherical shape by direct pressure injection, and suggested that the mechanism of motility resided in structures closely connected to the plasma membrane. Certain specializations are known here, since outer hair cells have numerous cisternae lining their lateral walls, connected to the outer membrane by a regular arrangement of pillars (Flock, 1986).
              The slower motility of the second type could possibly involve actin-myosin interactions of the sort seen in muscle cells, perhaps involving the actin filaments which circle the cuticular plate or those which descend from the cuticular plate through the cell body. There also evidence for other processes involving structural changes in the cytoskeleton, such as the polymerization of actin filaments (Zenner, 1986). Slow motility also results from osmotic changes within the cell or changes in the subsurface cisternae (Dieler, Shehata-Dieler & Brownell, 1991).
The Role of OHC Motility in the Organ of Corti
             The discovery of active mechanical responses has revolutionized our understanding of cochlear mechanics and the transduction process. How the mechanical response of the individual outer hair cell interact with the motion of the cochlear partition is not yet clear. Brownell et al. (1985) and Ashmore (1987) suggested that length changes in the outer hair cells would lead to a dimensional change in the organ of Corti. An upward movement of the basilar membrane moves the stereocilia in the excitatory direction, and so produces intracellular depolarization. Intracellular depolarization shortens the hair cells, flattening the organ of Corti. It was suggested that this would serve to enhance the upward movement of the basilar membrane (Ashmore, 1987). However, the outer hair cells are interconnected by the cytoarchitecture of the organ of Corti and thus if many these cells move in synchrony their mechanical response sum up. Since the tallest stereocilia are embedded in the tactorial membrane, they can influence the motion of that structure as well.
              Measurements of the force generated by individual outer hair cell indicate that the activation of large numbers of cells in concert should be able to change the mechanical responses of the cochlear partition (Iwasa and Chadwick, 1992). One result of this is thought to be amplification of the basilar membrane motion in a narrow frequency range. That is, the outer hair cells are thought to be the cochlear amplifier. This interpretation consistent with the loss of threshold sensitivity and tuning that is observed in the cochlea after outer hair cell loss (Dallos & Wang, 1974; Harrison & Evans, 1979; Ryan & Dallos, 1975). 
             The slower forms of motility are unlikely to be involved in the amplification of the travelling wave; they are too slow to feed back on a cycle-by-cycle basis. However, it is quite possible that they are involved in adjusting the mechanical state of cochlea over a long term, keeping it in the optimal mechanical state to detect auditory stimuli.
             Electro-motility characteristics of OHC implicate that the outer hair cells themselves can induce basilar membrane motion, which has important implications for the origin and significance of the oto-acoustic emissions.

Cochlear Potentials
             Electrical activity is an integral part of the functioning of cells in the cochlea & central auditory system. Cochlear potentials are electrical events produced within the cochlea due to complex series of electrophysiological events. They also help in the transformation of mechanical acoustic wave into neural activity.

                                          Cochlear potentials

             Resting potentials                                                   Receptor Potentials/
            Stimulus evoked

Endocochlear potentials
Microphonics (CM)

           Intracellular potentials                            Summating potentials (SM)
                       Compound Action Potential (CAP)

Ø  Resting potentials : They are the potentials which occur in the absence of acoustic stimulation & include potentials of IHCs & other hair cells.
Ø  Stimulus – evoked potentials : They are the potentials that occur in response to acoustic stimulation. They arise when the activity of a group of cells (become react entertained) to a specific stimulus, resulting in synchronous electrical activity.

          The second way of classifying electrical potentials in according to the type of electrode that is used to record and consequently, the size of cellular population that contributes to the response.

Ø  Cellular Potentials: Includes the membrane and intracellular potentials, of IHCs & OHCs & action potentials of individual AN fibres that are recorded using fine tipped, high impedance metal electrodes or glass micropipettes. These potentials provided detailed information regarding the behaviour of individual cells

Ø  Local Field Potentials: Reflecting the extracellular electrical activity arising from groups of cells are recorded by means of low impedance (less than 100 Kohm) electrodes that are inserted directly into the cochlea auditory nerve. The contribution of any given cell to the total LFP will depend on its proximity to the recording electrode & size of its extracellular field potential. LFP’s are typically quantified in terms of amplitude (total voltage) & provide information regarding the behaviours of aggregates of cells.

Ø  Gross Potentials: Generated by large populations of cells & are recorded with relatively large low impedance electrodes, including trans-tympanic electrodes. Gross potentials such as the CAP can be used clinically to evaluate the functioning of the auditory periphery. Other potentials measured from the cochlea can provide insight into how the various elements & various structures of cochlea function in normal and improved ears.

Ø Resting Potentials

I.       Endocochlear Potential: Endolymph is among very few extracellular fluids to be very high in K+ & the proper ionic balance of the cochlear fluids has a profound effect upon the function of organ of corti.

           Bekesy (1952) first explored the electrical properties of the fluid spaces of the cochlea by recording changes in electrical potential as an electrode was advanced through the cochlea of a guinea pig.The endocochlear potential is a ‘+ve’ DC potential of about 80 mv. It can be recorded from endolymph. It’s assumed to be produced by the energy consuming, ion pumping process in the stria vascularis.

Source :  The EP was originally thought to be a diffusion potential resulting from differences in ion concentration between endolymph and perilymph. However studies have shown that decreasing the k+ concentration gradient between endolymph & perilymph by injecting potassium chloride into the perilymph has little effect on amplitude of the EP. (Konishi & Kelesey, 1968). Thus the source of the EP isn’t simply the concentration gradient between the scala media & the peri-lymphatic spaces.
          Several lines of evidence indicate that the Stria Vascularis is the source of endolymph & the EP & that generation of the EP is an active energy consuming process. These are as follows

1.      The EP decreases significantly when the stria is damaged surgically or with ototoxic drugs (Davis et al 1958,)
2.      Na+/k+ ATPase activity is very high in stria vascularis (Kujipers &Bonting 1970). Ouabin, a drug that inhibits Na+/ka+ ATPase activity, decreases the concentration of K+ & increases the concentration of Na+ in the scala media & reduces the EP (Konishi et al, 1978)
3.      ‘+ve’ electrical potential can be recorded from the marginal cells of the stria vascularis even after Reissner’s membrane is destroyed ( Tasaki & Spyropoulos,1959)
4.      EP declines rapidly during anoxia (Johnston & Sellick 1972)

               These results indicate that the EP is a metabolic potential, generated by energy consuming activities of cells in the stria vascularis.

II.Intracellular Potentials
          Tasaki et al (1954) confirmed the negative resting potential in the organ of corti, with magnitude of about -60 to -10 mv. This was called as intracellular potential.
Source: The origin of this potential has been the subject of some controversy. It was concluded that it’s an intracellular potential due to following reasons:

1)     This potential can’t be recorded for more than a few minutes, which suggest that it’s due to an individual cell which stops functioning after a while because of the damage caused by the invading electrode. The potential would be recordable for longer duration if it were extracellular.
2)     If cortilymph had a negative potential, there could be no polarization difference between the insides of the hair cells & the auditory nerve fibres & their surrounding fluid, because the functioning of these cells depends upon the presence of polarization differences across their membrane.

         The net result of the ‘+ve’ EP & the ‘-ve’ intracellular potential is an electrical polarity difference as much as 160 mV or more across the reticular membrane.

Receptor Potentials:

1.      Cochlear Microphonics
               It’s an AC receptor potential that occurs due to the presentation of the acoustic stimulus. It is a potential similar to the one produced by microphone & exactly reproduces the waveform. The original recording of the CM were made by Wever & Bray (1930),who observed that the cochlea acts like a microphone transducing sound into analogue change, in voltage. If voltage are amplified & fed to a loudspeaker, the original stimulus will be reproduced with remarkable fidelity. Adrian (1931) coined the term cochlear microphonic to describe it.
ü  Generation of CM:
             It’s generated in the OHC in the basal part of BM. Bekesy (1950) demonstrated that CM’s are elicited by BM reflection. Tasaki et al (1954) provided the first evidence that hair cells are the source of CM. They measure the CM while advancing a recording electrode through the cochlea. The CM grew in amplitude as the electrode neared the reticular lamina, and then reversed polarity as the electrode entered the scala media. These results indicated that CM was generated by hair cells or some other structure close to the reticular lamina. Studies have shown that large, sharply tuned CM potential can be recorded from electrode close to the hair cells (Goodman et al, 1982)
              Zheng et al (1997a) conducted experiments with chinchillas that have selective basal IHC lesions associated with sectioning the AN showing that basal IHC loss has no appreciable effect on the CM recorded from the RW. Takeno et al (1994), Trantwein et al (1996) used a unique animal model in which the IHCs are selectively destroyed by Carboplatin while OHCs remain intact providing further evidence that IHCs make little, if any contribution to the CM, collectively these results suggest that the CM is predominantly generated by the OHCs.
ü  Recording Of Cochlear Microphonics:
              The method of generating CM consisted of placing 1 electrode in the scala tympani & one in the scala vestibule- one on each side of BM. These electrodes are then connected to a differential amplifier which records the difference potentials between the 2 electrodes.
             Recording of CM using this method may be affected by CM potentials generated in the adjacent turns of cochlea. Therefore, the other methods such as micropipette in the scala media or 2 electrodes placed close to each other in the same scala are used.
ü  Generation of CM:
               There are several theories, but Davis’s variable resistance model has enjoyed the widest acceptance. Think of the source of the cochlear resting potentials as biological batteries, generating a current flowing through the scala media, the basilar membrane and the scala tympani. A sound stimulus would then be represented electrically (the CM) if it caused the resistance to current flow to change in accordance with the stimulus wave form.
             In other words, the movements of cilia modulate the resistance, which in turn sets up an alternating current. This AC potential is termed as cochlear microphonic. The amount of current (CM magnitude) depends on the forces exerted upon the hairs, which is ultimately determined by the intensity of the sound stimulus.
           Davis’s variable resistance model is widely accepted explanation of CM generation. It’s supported by the observation that changes in CM polarity and magnitude result from experimentally induced anoxia and electrical currents.
            The CM is a graded potential- its magnitude changes as the stimulus intensity is raised or lowered. This is showed by the CM input output function. The magnitude of the cochlear microphonic increases linearly with stimulus level over a range of roughly 60 dB, as is shown by the straight line segment of the I-O function. This classic figure shows the linear response extending down to about 0.4Mv, but subsequent studies have recorded cochlear microphonic magnitude as low as a few thousands of microvolts. With adequate stimulation, the CM doesn’t appear to have a threshold, per sec; instead the smallest response seems to grow out of the noise floor, being limited by the recording method, equipment and physiologic noise.
          Saturation occurs as the stimulus level is raised beyond the linear segment of the I-O function, as shown by the flattening of the curve. Increasing amounts of harmonic distortion occur in this region. Raising the intensity of the stimulus even further causes overloading, in which case the overall magnitude of CM can actually decrease.
          The graded nature of the cochlear microphonic is also observed in terms of the intracellular AC receptor potential, which is its equivalent measured within the hair cells. In fact, because these potentials are recorded within a given cell, they enable one to compare the relative thresholds of the inner versus outer hair cells. Using this approach, Dallos clearly demonstrated that the inner hair cells are on the order of 12 dB more sensitive than the outer hair cells.
ü  Distribution of the cochlear microphonic
             Recall that large Cochlear microphonic responses are recorded from round window. This placement was used extensively by Wever and Lawrence. Similar responses are recorded at the cochlear promontory. It’s thus important to know what contributes to the round window response. To study this, Misrahy et al successively destroyed sections of the guinea pigs cochlea, beginning at the apex and working downwards while monitoring the cochlear microphonic in the basal turn. They found that the upper turns didn’t make significant contributions to the cochlear microphonic in the apical turn. It may thus be concluded that the cochlear microphonic recorded at the round window is for the most part derived from the activity of the basal turn.
                  It’s clear that Cochlear microphonic magnitude increases with stimulus level for each frequency. Also, the place of maximum cochlear microphonic magnitude shifts downwards towards the base as intensity increases. This may at first seem inconsistent with the place principle. However, the basal shift of the maximum cochlear microphonic response is probably due to wider range over which the more basal generators respond linearly. In other words, as stimulus intensity increases, the cochlear microphonics from the most sensitive place along the basilar membrane becomes saturated sooner than do the responses from more basal regions. Thus, cochlear microphonics generated towards the base continues to increase in magnitude when those from the most sensitive place have already becomes saturated. The place of maximal cochlear microphonic response therefore shifts downward along the cochlear partition (upward in frequency).
            Thus, the intracellular AC receptor potential also reveals a changing distribution with respect to frequency when the stimulus level increases. Here, we see that the tuning of the AC potential is reasonably restricted around the best frequency when the stimulus level is low; and becomes wider, extending towards the low frequencies, when the stimulus level becomes greater. In other words, the intracellular AC  receptor potentials resembles a band pass filter around the best frequency at low levels of stimulation and a low pass filter at higher levels.

ü  Factors Affecting C.M:

v Anoxia: It’s caused by occlusion of anterior inferior cerebral artery, damping trachea, respiration of N2 etc. CM is sensitive to anoxia to some extent. When an animal dies, the CM magnitude diminishes but doesn’t disappear immediately. It can be also recorded 4 hrs after death.

v Temperature: Experiment done by decreasing entire body temperature found that shape of input-output does not change, only decreases by some amount. Coats (1965) found no change in CM if the temperature variation is restricted to that region of the cochlea, using a cold probe.

v Chemical Environment: Tasaki (1954) framed that injection of isotonic potassium chloride (increases k+ & decreases Na+) into scala tympani abolished CM, which demonstrated that CM can’t be maintained if perilymph concentration is changed.

v Intra-cochlear pressure: Small change causes little change in CM. High ICP has both short term & long term effect in CM. The changes are reversible and can be permanent if maintained for a long time.

2) Summating Potentials (SP):
            Summating potentials are composite, made of a number of bioelectric components. This was first described by Davis, Fernandez & McAutliffe (1950) & by Bekesy (1950). It appears as a step like DC shift in potential that lasts as long as the stimulus. It’s the sum of various components originating in different physiological sites & processes (Davis et al, 1952, Goldstein, 1954)

         The SP can be either +ve or -ve depending upon the stimulus parameters, recording site, recording techniques (Dallos et al, 1970). SPs recorded from the scala tympani or the scala vestibule can be either +ve or –ve & they can reverse polarity, depending on the frequency, level & duration of stimulus. SPs recorded from the RW tend to be +ve at low stimulus levels but –ve at high stimulus levels (Margotis et al, 1992).
            Honurbia and Ward (1967) measured the Summating Potential and Cochlear Microphonic simultaneously in each turn of the guinea pig cochlea, using electrodes located in the scala media. It’s already that the envelope ( distribution of amplitude along the length of the cochlear duct) of the cochlear microphonic is a reasonable representation of the travelling wave envelope. Honurbia and Ward (1975) found that the summating potential was positive on the basal side of the cochlear microphonic envelope and negative on the apical side. This result suggests that the summating potential is positive on the basal side of the travelling wave and becomes negative apical to the travelling wave peak.
            Dallas and colleagues (1941, 1976) used a somewhat different recording approach, which makes the important distinction between the average potential of both the scala vestibule and the scala tympani on one hand and the potential gradient (difference) across the cochlear partition on the other. This at first complicated distinction is clarified in the figure. One electrode is in the scala vestibule and the other is in scala tympani. Each one registers the summating potential at the same cross sectional plane along the cochlea, but from opposite sides of the scala media. Subtracting the summating potential in the scala tympani from the summating potential in the scala vestibule (SV-ST) gives the potential difference of the summating potential across the cochlear partition. This difference is called difference component. The average component is obtained by simply averaging the summating potentials from both scala (SV+ST)/ 2. The average component thus expresses the common properties (common mode) of the summating potential on both sides of the scala media.
            The DIF component becomes negative in the vicinity of the peak of the travelling wave envelope, a situation which resembles the spatial distribution of the positive and negative summating potential discussed above. The polarity of the average component is essentially the reverse, being positive around the travelling wave peak and negative elsewhere.
ü  Source
            The SP has been thought to arise from distortion generated by hair cell transaction process. Results obtained from animals treated with amino glycoside antibiotics suggested that the OHCs may contribute significantly of the SP at low to moderate intensities, whereas IHCs may contribute to the SP at higher SPL’s (Dallos 1975). However, recent experiments with Chinchillas with selective IHC loss (Zheng et al 1997 a) suggest that IHCs are the major source of SP’s recorded from the round window, particularly at low to moderate stimulus levels. Animals with a 40-50 % of IHCs in the base of cochlea showed a 60-80% decrease in SP amplitude at stimulus levels of less than 80 dBSPL despite having normal CM, normal DPOAE’s & a normal complement of OHC’s similar results have been obtained from animals with selective carboplatin induced IHC lesions (Durrant et al 1998) in which lesions involving both IHC’s & OHCs abolished the SP.

ü  Recording of SP :
           The SP may be recorded in response to a continuous tone when recorded using a tone burst. This may be seen as a shift in the baseline of the scala media using a bipolar electrode.
             It does not exactly reproduce the waveform of the stimulus.
ü  Characteristics of SP:
           The magnitude & polarity of the SP are dependent on the frequency and intensity of the acoustic stimulus. At the best frequency (where the response is largest) the SP is always –ve while recorded in the scala media as differentially between Scala vestibule & Scala tympani. This negativity corresponds to excitatory depolarizing activity of the cochlear hair cells. At frequencies below the best frequency the polarities of the SP is positive at low to moderate intensities, but reverses at the high intensities
            Davis et al gave streptomycin that would affect the OHC & found only the –ve SP produced by the IHCs, while +ve SP & CM are produced by the OHC. At low intensities, SP is more prominent (because it occurs due to the activity of OHC) but at high intensities it becomes obscured by –ve SP (which is produced by the IHC’s). Honrubia & Ward concluded that SP was +ve on the basal end & -ve on its apical side of the cochlea. It ranges from 0.05 to 0.5 microvolt.

ü  Factors Affecting SP:
v Anoxia : Konigh et al (1961) identified that SP recorded from scala media immediately declined & its polarity reversed from –ve to +ve in 40-60 msecs.
         During long term anoxia, SP fluctuated around the 0 point but do not reach a plateau like endocochlear potential & CM,Upon restoration of oxygen supply to the cochlea, the SP could return to normally even after prolonged periods of anoxia.
(3) Compound Action Potentials
                  The compound action potential is the extracellular field potential produced by the synchronous depolarization of a large number of AN fibres in response to a stimulus. It provides the information regarding functional status of cochlea. CAP reflects not only the excitation of cochlea but also the excitation of the auditory nerve. It’s prominent in response transient sounds like clicks and high frequency tone burst with rapid rise times.
              The CAP consists of 2 prominent –ve peaks, referred to as N1 & N2. The N1 response occurs approximately 1 ms after the onset of the stimulus & N2 appears approximately 1 ms later.
ü  Generation :
            The CAP’s can be recorded from an electrode placed on the RW membrane, placed on cochlear nerve between its exit from the internal meatus & its entrance to the medulla.
               It’s possible to record simultaneously the CAP and certain of receptor potentials, the dominant which is the cochlear microphonics. The former placement favours the CM, whereas the latter favours the action potential. The CM appears first, followed by the gross action potential. The AP, N1 denote as nerve response from the first order neurons. It’s of low magnitude due to the fact that the recording electrode rested on the RW membrane, a locus relatively distant from the myelinated fibres in the modulus. The N2 depends on the integrity of auditory nerve. There are 2 different hypotheses postulating that the N2 component of the AP is generated by a second firing of the auditory nerve fibres while the first firing contributes to N1 peak. The other hypothesis states that the N2 peak is generated in the cochlear nucleus & passively conducted to the recording site.

ü  Latency Of A.P:
         The latency of the cochlear AP depends on the intensity & the spectrum of the stimulus sound. The latency of the AP changes more as a function of the stimulus intensity when the stimulus have their energy in the low frequency range than the energy of the click stimulus in the high frequency range.
          The decrease in latency as a function of increasing stimulus intensity has several causes. A nerve fibre discharges when the excitatory post synaptic potential (EPSP) has exceeded a certain threshold value. The higher the stimulus intensity the steeper the rise of EPSP & it does take a shorter time to reach the threshold of firing when the stimulus intensity is higher. Another cause is related to the fact that the cochlea is nonlinear. This causes the maximum deflection of the basilar membrane. A shift of the maximum displacement of the basilar membrane towards the base of the cochlea results in a decrease of the travel time of the displacement of the BM to reach maximum deflections. This contributes to the decrease in the latency with increase in the stimulus intensity.
ü  Amplitude of AP:
          The amplitude of AP varies with stimulus level (Salvi et al, 1979). As stimulus level increases, CAP amplitude increases over a 40 dB to 50 dB range before saturating & then rolling over. In addition the latency of the CAP gradually decreases from approximately 2ms at low stimulus levels to approximately 1ms at high stimulus levels.
        The lowest SPL at which the CAP can be detected defines its threshold. CAP threshold for pure tones are generally 15-20 dB higher than behavioural thresholds. This probably occurs because behavioural thresholds are typically measures using long duration (greater than 200 ms) stimuli. CAPs are elicited with brief duration stimuli. Longer duration stimuli are more easily detected than short duration stimuli because of temporal integration (Gerken et al, 1990). Thus differences in stimulus duration probably account for the difference between CAP & behavioural thresholds…
ü  Clinical Application:
            The amplitude of the peaks can provide an estimate of the number of auditory nerve fibres contributing to the response & the width of the CAP can provide an estimate of the synchrony of firing. A common finding in ears with SN hearing loss is a loss of sensitivity & decreased amplitude of the CAP. The decrease in amplitude is a reflection of the reduced number of auditory nerve fibres contributing to the response.
           From a clinical perspective, an absence or greatly diminished CAP in the presence of a robust CM might be indicative of some type of the neuropathy of the auditory nerve (Starr, 1996). This contrasts with pure conductive hearing loss, in which CAP input-output function could simply be shifted towards higher sound levels. i.e although higher stimulus levels would be required to evoke the CAP, the slope of the amplitude function could be minimally affected. The latency of the CAP can also be useful in differentiating between a conductive hearing loss, in which latency is prolonged & a SN loss, in which latency is normal.
Journal Articles
Centrifugal control in mammalian hearing - Donald Robertson
The Auditory Laboratory, Discipline of Physiology, School of Biomedical Bio molecular and Chemical Sciences, The University of Western Australia, WA 6009, Australia.
1. Centrifugal control of many sensory systems is well established, notably in the γ motor neuron of skeletal muscle stretch receptors.
2. Efferent (olivo cochlear) innervation of the mammalian cochlea was first established through anatomical studies. Histological studies confirmed synaptic terminals in contact with hair cells and afferent dendrites.
3. Electrophysiology has elucidated the cellular mechanisms of efferent modulation in the cochlea.
4. The system has potential roles in noise protection, homeostatic feedback control of cochlear function and signal processing. There is some evidence in support of each, but also contraindications.
5. It is concluded that the role of the olivo cochlear innervation is still contentious, but on balance the evidence appears to favour a role in enhancing signal detection in noise.

Physiology, pharmacology and plasticity at the inner hair cell synaptic complex

References and further reading may be available for this article. To view references and further reading you must purchase this article.
-          Jérôme Ruel, Jing Wang, Guy Rebillard, Michel Eybalin, Ruth Lloyd ,
Rémy Pujol  and Jean-Luc Puel
        Recent neuro pharmacological data at the IHC afferent/efferent synaptic complex: the type of Glu receptors and transporter involved and the modulation of this fast synaptic transmission by the lateral efferents. Neuro pharmacological data were obtained by coupling the recording of cochlear potentials and single unit of the auditory nerve with intra-cochlear applications of drugs (multi-barrel pipette). We also describe the IHC afferent/efferent functioning in pathological conditions. After acoustic trauma or ischemia, acute disruption of IHC-auditory dendrite synapses are seen. However, a re-growth of the nerve fibres and a re-afferentation of the IHC were completely done 5 days after injury. During this synaptic repair, multiple presynaptic bodies were commonly found, either linked to the membrane or “floating” in ectopic positions. In the meantime, the lateral efferents directly contact the IHCs.
1. BERLIN, Charles.I   Neurotransmission and hearing loss: Basic Science, Diagnosis&Management (1997).
2. MILAN, F.Grandori Advances in Audiology, Vol-7-Cochlear Mechanics (1990)
3. SCHOUTEN, M.E.H Auditory processing of speech from sounds to words (1992).
4. BACON, Sid.P Compression: From cochlea to Cochlear Implants (2004).
5. BERLIN, Charles I, HOOD, Linda.J Hair Cell Micromechanics and otoacoustic emissions (2002).
6. THOMAS R Van Clinical aspects of hearing (1996).