middle ear (ME) is a semi-rigid biological gas pocket, which is closed most of
the time. The eardrum, and especially the pars flaccida (PF), are displaced if
a pressure difference exists between the ME and ambient, making the gas filled
cavity partly non-rigid. Under normal conditions, the Eustachian tube (ET)
remains closed, but it will open spontaneously to equilibrate large pressure
differences. During deglutition, the peristaltic movements of the ET walls
regularly inject small boluses of air into the ME cavity. Gas exchange
processes through the ME mucosa cause slow pressure variations, and external
events such as blowing the nose or taking an elevator can cause sudden and
large pressure changes. At hearing threshold, the cochlea detects eardrum
motions with amplitudes of less than 0.1 nm, while quasi-static pressures in
everyday situations can generate eardrum motions a factor of millions larger.
At 120 dB sound level, pressure amplitude is about 10 Pa, while quasi-static
pressure variations of several kPa occur in everyday situations.
The cochlea itself is protected from static
overloads because for very low frequencies fluid can move freely at the
helecotrema from the scala vestibule to the scala tympani. The large static
loads however push the stapes far from its equilibrium position and cause large
deformations of the round window. The fact that large static pressures are an
inherent part of daily life, and that pressures up to at least 100Pa hardly
influence hearing, suggests that ME mechanics protect the round window and the
annular ligament of the stapes from these quasi-static pressure overloads.
Although it is generally accepted that there is a correlation between ME
pressure deregulation and important pathologies of the ME, the underlying basic
processes still elude us, so more quantitative insight is needed in the several
mechanisms of ME pressure regulation. To understand the mechanisms and effects
involved with quasi-static high amplitude pressure variations, we need to know how
ME pressure varies in normal circumstances, investigate both fast and slow
regulation mechanisms, and determine the effect of such pressures on middle ear
1.1 Pressure in the normal ME:
understand the effect and importance of the different regulatory mechanisms, it
is first of all necessary to know how M.E pressure varies over time, but little
quantitative data are available. ME pressure can be assessed in two fundamentally
different ways: indirect estimation from tympanometric recordings, and direct
pressure measurements in the middle ear or the Mastoid. The tympanometric approach is easy, and as it
can be performed in any clinical setting with standard equipment, indirect
measurement has, however, several important drawbacks. First of all, a basic
assumption is that the magnitude of the impedance of the ME mechanical system
is at a minimum when M.E pressure equals the ear canal pressure. This
assumption is not necessarily true: it may well be that sound transfer is
actually better when the ear is at a slight over or under pressure.
Furthermore, recording a tympanogram takes at least several seconds, so the
time resolution of the method is inherently very low, and in practice one can
only perform the test a limited number of times without discomfort to the
patient. To include the pressure regulation effect of the eardrum, it is,
however, necessary to measure ME pressure with the eardrum intact. To detect changes
in fast and small pressure buffering mechanisms, a good pressure measuring
resolution, combined with a small sampling interval is necessary. We have
developed a system which meets these requirements, and we will show preliminary
Pressure regulation by pars flaccida
Deformation of the eardrum leads to changes
of the ME volume and can therefore (partly) compensate the effect of external
pressure changes. It is a very fast reacting mechanism and especially the soft
PF may play an important role. The PF is commonly involved in many pathologies
of the ME, but its actual function still remains unclear. Traditionally, the PF
is seen.
As a regulator of static ME pressure: the easily bending
membrane can reduce pressure by changing the ME volume. However, only few
quantitative measurements of this deformation as a function of ME pressure are
As we studied earlier the primary structures
of the middle ear are the tympanic membrane, the ossicles and the entry to the
cochlea, the oval window. These are the players in one of the important
evolutionary drama of the auditory system.
The ratio
between the impedances of the cochlear fluids and the air is approximately
4000:1 .To find out how much energy would be transmitted from the air to the
cochlea without the middle ear, we apply simple formula
T = 4r/(r+1)2
T – Transmission
and r is the ratio of impedance.
This result is
approximately 0.001 .In other words only about 0.1% of air bone energy would be transmitted to the cochlea, while
about 99.9% would be reflected back. This corresponds to a 30 dB drop going
from air to cochlea
The middle ear thus step up the
level of air bone sounds to overcome the impedance miss match between the air
and the cochlear fluids ,early place theory held that the middle ear
transformer was the source of various non linearitites in hearing such as
perception of combination of tones. These distortion products of the middle ear’s
hypothetical non linear response were ostensibly transmitted to the cochlea, where
the non linearitites were analyzed according to the place principle as though
they were present in original signal .However Waver and Lawrence have
demonstrated that the middle ear performs its function with elegant linearity.
And we must accordingly regard it as a linear transformer.
Components of the middle ear
transformer, viewed as a system of pistons connected by a folder
Lever. A, area; p, sound
pressure; l, length. Subscripts: d,eardrum; m, manubrium of the malleus; i,
long crus of the incus; s, stapes footplate.
Components of the middle ear
transformer, viewed as a system of pistons connected by a folder
Sound pressure.
Manubrium of the malleus.
Long crus of the incus.
Stapes footplate.
Sound reaches the ear by way of the air
,a gas ,.On the other hand the organ of corti is contained within the cochlear
fluids which are physically comparable to sea water .This difference between
these media is of considerable important to hearing .Air offers less opposition
to the flow of sound energy or impedance than does the fluids ..fluid’s impedance is greater than that of the air ,there is a impedance
mismatch at the boundary between them .The middle ear system serves as an impedance
matching transformer that makes it possible for the sound energy to be
efficiently transmitted from the air to the cochlea.
Figure is the
block diagram of the middle ear with respect to its impedance revised from
Zwislocki’s earlier model .The first box represents the middle ear cavities
which contribute significantly to the stiffness of the system .The next two
boxes ear drum/malleus and eardrum (decoupled) should be thought together .The
former represents the proportion of sound energy transmitted from the drum to
malleus. It includes the inertia of the malleus, the elasticity of the drum,
tensor tympanic muscle, and the malleus ligaments and the friction caused by
the strain on these structures. Eardrum decoupled is the proportion of energy
diverted from the system when then drum vibrates independently (decoupled from
the malleus) which occurs particularly at high frequencies .The test box labeled
‘incus is the effective mass of the incus and the stiffness of its supporting
ligaments .The energy lost at two ossicular joint is represented by incudo
malleus joint and incustapeal joint which shunt energy off the main lane of the
diagram. The last box shows the effects of the stapes, cochlea, and round
window in series .The attachment of the stapes as well as the round window
membrane contribute to the stiffness components .Most of the ears resistance to
due to cochlea .Zwislocki has pointed out that a major effect of this
resistance is to smooth out the response of the middle ear by damping the free
osscilation of the ossicular chain.
Several factors
contribute to the transformer function of the middle ear .They includes
(1) Areal ratio
of the ear drum to the oval window.
(2) Curved
membrane mechanism of the drum.
(3) Lever action
of the ossicular chain.
Since the
periphery of the drum membrane is fixed and rigidly fastened to the tympanic
annulus ,something less than the total area must be regarded as effective in
transmitting vibration .
We know that pressure is equal to force F per
unit area or P =F/A. If we therefore exert the same pressure over two areas
,One of which is five times larger than the other ,then the pressure of the
smaller surface will be five times greater than the other.
The area of human eardrum is roughly 64.3mm2,while
that of the oval window is about 3.2mm2.Thus the drum : oval window
ratio is about 20: 1 .If we assume that ossicles act as a simple rigid
connection between the two membrane ,the there would be a pressure application
by a factor of 20:1 going from the ear drum to the oval window. So we must
realize that although the force exerted on the drum membrane is the same as the
force exerted on the stapes foot plate, the pressure at the stapes is increased
by a factor equal to the ratio of the effective areas.
P1 = F1/A1 P2 =F1/A2 = P1A1/A2
Thus pressure is
the product of the ratio of the two areas .Using an ossicular chain lever ratio
of 1.31 to 1 as obtained by Dahman the cobined ratio provided by the
transformer action of the middle ear is the product of the ossicular chain ratio
and effective areal ratio.
Qualitative description
of drum membrane movement are difficult to obtain simply because of the minute
displacement that occur in response to sound .A sound intensity level that are
nearly painful, the displacement at low frequencies may amount to about one
–tenth of the milli meter, but a comfortable sound intensities (56 DB SPL)
displacement is on the order of 5 A0 .( 1 A0 is equal to
10-8 cm )
suggested that the ear drum contributes to the effectiveness of the middle ear
transformer by lever action according to the curved membrane principle. The Dum’s rim is firmly attached to the
annulus and curves down to the attachment of the malleus, which is mobile as in
the figure
The curved
membrane principle (see text). Adapted
from Tonndorf and Khanna (1970), by permission of Ann. Otol.
A given force
increment f thus displace the membrane with a greater amplitude than it
displaces the manubrium .Since the products of force and distance (amplitude of displacement )on both legs of
the lever are equal( F1D1=F2D2),the smaller distance travelled by Manubrium is
accompanied by a much greater force .In this way ,Helmholtz proposed that lever
action of the ear drum would result in amplification of force to ossicles.
Bekesy result for a 2000 Hz probe tone in the
form of equal displacement contours. For frequencies up to approximately 2000Hz
,the drum moved as a stiff plate or piston ,hinged superiorly at the axis of
the ossicles .The greatest displacement occurred inferiorly .Bekesy attributed
the drum’s ability to move in this manner ,without significant deformation to a
highly elastic and loose fitting fold at its inferior edge .Above about 2400Hz
the membrane’s stiffness broke down and movement of the Manubrium lagged behind
that of the membrane rather than being synchronized with it. At high
frequencies the pattern broke up and membrane vibrated segmentally. The stiffly
moving portion of the drum had an area of 55 mm2 out of a total area
of 85 mm2. This area constitutes an effective area for the eardrum
of about 55 mm2/85 mm2=65% of its total area. Using Bekesy’s values,
the ratio of the area of the entire eardrum to the area of the oval
window would be 85 mm2/3.2 mm2=26.6 to
applying the eardrum’s 65% effective area to the overall ratio results in an effective area ratio of
26.6×0.65=17.3 to 1.
3.7 Vibration
patterns of the cat’s eardrum in response to 600 Hz tone. From Tonndorf and
In 1968 Tonndorf and Khanna
studied the pattern of membrane vibration using time averaged holography.
Time-averaged holography is an optical method that reveals equal-amplitude (or
isoamplitude) contours as alternating bright and dark lines on a vibrating
membrane. These contours show that the eardrum actually does not move as a
stiff plate. Instead, there are two areas of peak displacement revealing a
buckling effect in the eardrum vibration pattern that is consistent with
Helmholtz’s curved-membrane concept. This mode of vibration is seen up to about
1500 Hz. The pattern becomes more restricted at higher frequencies, and
increasingly complex sub patterns occur in the vibrations as frequency rises
above 3000 Hz. The curved Membrane principle contributes to the middle ear
transformer ratio by a factor of 2.0 based upon the cat data. If we accept an
area ratio of 34.6 to 1 for the cat, then the middle ear transfer ratio as of
this point becomes 34.6×2.0=69.2 to 1. This value must be multiplied by the
level ratio of the ossicles to arrive at the final transformer ratio of the middle
Helmholtz propose that non linear distortions are introduced by
the ossicular chain, and are largely due to what he conceived of as a cogwheel
articulation between the malleus and incus .This situation would allow for
relative movement in one direction at the malleo incincudal joint. The
resulting distortion will simulate the cochlea at places corresponding to the
receptors to the frequencies as though they were present in the original signal.
Barany proposed that except during intense stimulation these two bones are
rigidly fixed at the malleo incudal joint and move as a unit in response to the
sound stimulation.
The nature of stapes movement in cadavers in
response to stimuli presented at
(a) moderate levels and (b) very intense levels. From Bekesy
Bekesy has reported that the stapes moves
differently in response to moderate and intense stimulation in human cadavers
.At moderate intensities,the stapes foot plate rocks with a piston like motion
in that oval window ,with greater amplitude anteriorly. Intense stimulation
result in rotation of the foot plate around its longitudinal axis substantially
reduces the energy transmitted to the cochlea which most likely serves as a
protective device.
axis of rotation of the ossicular chain and the ossicular lever mechanism.
Based in part on drawings by Barany (1938) and Bekesy (1941)
Measurements using advanced
optical techniques have revealed that the motion of the malleus is
frequency-dependent, so that its vibratory pattern is essentially in one dimension
below 2500 Hz, but involves an elliptical path in all three dimensions, as opposed
to having a single axis above 2500 Hz (Decraemer et al., 1991, 1994).
The ossicular chain rotates around in axis
corresponding to a line through the long process of the malleus and the short
process of incus .The ossicular chain is delicately balanced around its centre
of gravity so that the inertia of the system is minimal. The osicles act as a
lever about their axis .Lever ratio is in the order of 1.3 in humans and 2.2 in
cats, because of the interaction of the curvature of the drum and the length.
three middle ear ossicles are suspended by several ligaments, the TM and two
muscle tendons. This becomes a mechanical mass-spring system that, due to
inertial forces on the masses, constitutes different vibration than the
surrounding bone during BC stimulation. This difference motion between the
stapedius footplate and the cochlear promontory provides a stimulation input to
the cochlea The importance of the ossicles
inertia component can be estimated by comparing the stapes footplate motion at
threshold stimulation by AC and BC; this was done in and some of those results are presented in Fig
Fig. Stapes footplate (solid line) and malleus umbo (dotted line)
motion at BC threshold stimulation compared with the motion at AC threshold
stimulation.The vibration of the umbo and footplate at threshold vibration is 5
to 15dB lower with BC stimulation compared with AC stimulation at frequencies between
0.2 and 1.5 kHz. This result indicates that middle ear inertia is not an
important contribution to BC perception at these frequencies. At frequencies
above 4 kHz, the comparison is valid since the stimulation is probably no
longer through the oval window. However, the similarity between the ossicle threshold
motion between 1.5 and 3.5 kHz indicates that the inertial effects of the
ossicles can contribute to BC sound perception within this frequency range.
Also, lesions and manipulations of the ossicles provide results indicative of
possible importance of ossicle inertia at the mid-frequency range [10].
Only modern techniques using laser Doppler
vibrometry (LVD) ,squid technique ,Mossbauer effects ,or hydrophone sound
pressure measurements in the cochlea allow an investigation of acoustic middle
ear mechanics in physiologic sound pressure dimension below 100 dB.
Vibration in the physiologic range of acoustic
middle ear function are too small to be visible with optical methods .Even the
most powerful optical microscopes are unable to scan below1 μm because of the
wavelength of light .Considering that the amplitude of stapes is approximately
20 to 30nm at 1 Pa (corresponding to 94 dB), a vibration of middle ear
structures which is visible with optical methods has no correlation to the
motion in physiologic sound conduction.
The middle ear
transport the sound into the inner ear fluid .For the transport of this tiny
amount of vibrational energy, the ossicular chain vibrates as a unit as one
solid body. The vibration mode of tympanic membrane and the stapes can be
considered as piston like. This motion however suggests that a fixed rotational
axis of the ossicular chain (which previously was assumed to act as a lever
mechanism in amplifying sound pressure) doesn’t exist for sound induced
vibration. Modern experiments demonstrates that the position and orientation of
the rotational axis changes with every frequency .A fixed rotational axis,
however is characteristic of the movements induced by atmospheric pressure
The ossicular joints are functionally fixed
during sound transport. Therefore a columella transmit sound as effectively as
the articulated chain .The ossicular joints of the mammalian middle ear do not
seem to be necessary for the acoustic function of the middle ear.
As a sensitive pressure receptor, the
middle ear is exposed constantly to the changing static pressure of the
environment .These changes of ambient air pressure induce huge but slow
unidirectional displacement of the tympanic membrane and the malleus of as much
as 1nm .With such displacement the joint between the malleus and incus start to
glide .Because of the intricate construction of joints and the supporting ligaments,
the incus is forced predominantly upward or downwards. Because of the joint
between the incus and stapes can glide, the stapes and consequently the inner
ear are uncoupled from the extensive displacement of the tympanic membrane and
the malleus .The maximal piston like inward or outward movement of the stapes
never exceeds 10 to 30 μm. Regardless of the pressure in the external ear canal.
The micromechanics
of the ossicular chain at static air pressure variation can be explained by the
figure (4). An inward movement of
malleus handle, as caused by difference in air pressure across the tympanic
membrane or by the pull of a tensor tympani muscle, resulting in out ward and
upward movement of the malleus head. The anvil, which is supported only at its
short process will be pushed upwards. This movement results in an upward and
forward rotation of the anvil’s process. The stapedial muscle is stretched by
this movement.
The change in the direction of motion with in
the ossicular chain explains the vertical position of the incudo- stapedial
joint .its orientation ,perpendicular to the piston like acoustic vibration
,concurs with the upward and downward movements of the anvil with variation in
atmospheric pressure in the plane of the joint’s surface.
This mode of motion within the ossicular chain
also explains Von Bekesy‘s findings that, at very loud noise .This sound
pressure level is definitely in the atmospheric range, when the joints glide and
the incus move upward and downward .Von Bekesy himself remarked this movement
at the incudo-stapedial joint. In his original drawing a arrow can be seen
pointing upward at the long process of the incus .He did not pursue this
finding however.
An unimpeded gliding in the ossicular
joints is the pre requisite for this mechanism. The joint cartilage is highly differentiated,
and the construction of the joint is similar to the big joints of the body to
guarantee only the smallest frictional resistance .In a scanning electron microscopy,
even in the 2000 X magnification, the surface of the malleus joint appears to
be totally smooth. In ossicualr chain molecular sized amplitude of the sound
vibration are far too small to provide this movement. Furthermore the joints
are functionally fixed for the transmission of the sound .A gliding the in the
joints would result in a loss of transport of acoustic energy and in the non
linear distortion of sound transmission.
This movement of the ossicles
induced by the contraction of the two muscle in the middle ear,the tensor
tympanic muscle and the stapedius muscle .The acoustical function of these
muscles is still obscure .The explanation that they protect the inner ear by an
acoustic reflex is no longer considered valid : sound energy must enter the
inner ear before it can elicit the acoustic reflex; Furthermore, an
evolutionary need to develop an inner ear protection against high –energy noise
is not so evident, because such loud sounds do not occur in a natural environment.
The suggested protection obtained by stapedius muscle contraction is also implausible;
considering its effect on sound transport: sound transmission is attenuated
only in the unharmful low frequency of 250 Hz to 500 Hz for approximately 10 to
20 dB.The transmission of the higher dangerous frequencies of 2 to 4 kHz will
actually be increased by few decibels. This shift of resonance of the middle
ear is caused by stiffening of the
annular ligaments as the result of the muscular pull and the tilting of the
stapedial supra structure .According to Accommodation theory ,they function of
the stapedius muscle in accomplishing this resonance shift offers a survival
This acoustic effect, however cannot
explain the function of the antagonistically acting tensor tympanic muscle .In
humans this muscle does not react at all to the acoustic stimuli and its
contraction does not influence sound transmission significantly. It is
conceivable that the middle ear muscle accomplish a non acoustic purpose,
comparable to the action of the muscles of skeleton: the muscles by their
contraction move the joints and thus maintain the circulation of the synovial fluid,
which is necessary for lubrication and nutrition of the hyaline cartilage of
the joints.
A further finding reinforces this theory
of non acoustic function of the middle ear muscle: if sound pressure is the
physiologic stimulus for a contraction of the stapedius muscle, the muscle
would be expected to atrophy in a deaf ear. In cochlear implant surgery, however
stapedius reflex control reveals a perfectly contracting muscle even in the
ears that have been deaf for decades .Therefore it can be assumed that the
function of the middle ear muscle is to preserve the regular joint function of
the ossicular chain.
The middle ear anatomy shows that the two
muscles do not pull directly against each other, as would expected from the arrangement
of other antagonistic muscle.(eg.the muscular biceps or muscular triceps
brachii)The tendons of the middle ear muscles are aligned perpendicularly to
each other .This orientation consequence of the change of the direction of
motion with in the ossicular chain : a
pull of tensor tympanic muscle will result in a stretching of the stapedius
muscle and vice versa.
The non acoustic construction and
function of the middle ear is also apparent in the arrangement of the stapes
and its muscle .Former theories assumed an axis running through the posterior
pole ,which would result in the complete foot plate tilting out wards at a
contraction of the stapedial muscle .This mode of motion ,however would cause a
significant drag at the perilymphatic fluid .Specific measurement in fresh
temporal bones showed that the foot plate rotates around the central axis at
the pull of the stapedial muscle. This mode of motion ,which is caused by the
uniform elasticity of the annular ligaments, result in an outward movement of
the anterior pole and an inward displacement of the posterior half of the foot
plate .The opposite movement of the poles neutralize their effect on the
cochlear fluid but a generate a maximal movement within the incudo-stapedial
Another puzzling detail is encountered
when the middle ear construction is considered from a non acoustic point of
view .The arch of the stapedius supra structure is asymmetric in more than two
third of all humans stapes. There is no obvious acoustic reason for this
construction .The piston like vibration of the stapes demands a symmetric supra
structure for optimal acoustic quality.
The middle ear
space or tympanic cavity is an air filled cavity, when the TM vibrates the ossicles
transfer the vibrations to the oval window while the secondary TM of the round
window is set into vibration because of the vibrations of the vibrating air column
in the tympanic cavity, which causes movement of the fluid in scale vestibule
(oval window) and scale tympani (round window). The basilar membrane which lies
in between the two fluid columns is set into vibration but in opposite
direction. The amplitude of vibration in the scale tympani is lesser because
dampening of energy (air), so the effective movement of the basilar membrane
will be in downward direction.
Hughson and
Crewe utilized electrical activity of cochlea and auditory nerve as measure of
hearing. They placed cotton pledgets on the round window, the electrical
potentials increased when compared to normal conditions. If the walls of the
round window and oval window were rigid, then there would be no vibration of
the cochlear fluids or basilar membrane. However, round window is not rigidly
fixed, but partially protected from air borne sound so some improvement in
hearing occurs due to the presence of round window.
The stapedius muscle and the tensor tympanic muscles
are pinnate muscles i.e, consists of many short fibres directed obliquely to
impinge on a tendon at the mid line because of which the muscles have greater
capacity for excerting tension with little linear displacement.
The tendons of
the muscles are elastic to serve two purposes:
1) Dampening the vibrations of the ossicles
2) Render the muscular retractions less sudden in
onset and slower
A second unique feature is that the muscles are
enclosed within body cavities which reduce the interaction of muscular
vibration with sound transmission by generating sub harmonics and also
decreasing the mass of the ossicles.
Contraction of the tensor tympanic muscle draws the
malleus medially and anteriorly which is at right angles to the movement of the
ossicular chain and increases the stiffness of the TM. Contraction of the stapedius
muscle exerts force on the head of the stapes and draws it posteriorly at right
angles in the right angles to the rotation of the ossicular chain.
Both the muscles act at directions opposite to each
other and the rotation of the ossicular chain.
The acoustic reflex changes the mechanical properties
of the transmission system of the ME and the mechanical resistance, which is
explained by theories as follows:
Ø The intensity control theory supposes that the muscles
contracts in response to certain critical levels of sound intensity to protect
the ear.
Ø The accommodation theory states that the muscular
contraction acts as a dampening mechanism which selectively absorbs sound
energy at certain frequencies there by selectively increasing the sensitivity
of the ear.
Ø The fixation theory states as the ossicular chain
rocks forth and back during the transmission of the sound, the muscle
contraction prevents the movements from surpassing certain critical limits.
Ø The labyrinthine pressure theory states that movement
of stapes results in increase and decrease of impedance respectively.
Tympanic muscles support the ossicular chain because, when
cut the ossicular chain becomes loose and flaccid. Instead increased tension
due to muscle contraction raise impedance which reduces low frequency
This describes that the ME acts as a linear system at
least up to 100dBSPL and higher in some species. In the studies which form the
foundation of the conclusion was done on animals whose muscle system was
deactivated. ME muscle reflex is non linear, so when awake the function of
these ME muscles comes into action which clearly states that the ME would be
linear up to 60-70dBSPL which is the acoustic reflex threshold. Consequently
the action of the ME muscles will make the whole system nonlinear.
This was experimented using the carefully constructed
model of ossicles (Stulhman), which describes the source of the non linearity
as the malleus-incudal joint. When the joint is rigid the function is linear
but when the articulation becomes loose to ratio of the movement of the malleus
to the incus becomes 2:1 instead of 1:1 which results in non linearity. This
dislocation acts as a protective mechanism against large inward pressures.
Though the malleus-incudal joint acts as a one of the
source of nonlinearity, its not the only factor. The other factors contributing
to the nonlinearity includes the elasticity of the TM, ligaments. Low frequencies
are mostly the strongest component of the signal so dampening of this law is
considered as a protective function.
The relative straight forward description of a
vibratory system is valid only if the system is linear. To study the transfer
function of the system the first step is to check if the system is linear.
Mundie 1963 measured acoustic impedance of guinea pigs at 100 and 130dBSPL, the
results indicate that the ME is nonlinear.
Fisher et al 1967 measured ear drum movement in
cadaver ears with capacitor probe and demonstrated that at 250Hz amplitude
versus SPL function is linear between 64 and 104dBSPL, however noticeable
nonlinearity at 114dBSPL.
Dollas and Linnel 1966 demonstrated that sub harmonics
appear above 110dBSPL with real thresholds, indicating the presence of
Rubinstein et al 1966 measured the displacement
magnitude of the stapes footplate in cadaver ears. They found proportional
increase in amplitude up to 104dBSPL at 3 frequencies.
Guinan and Peake 1967 using stroboscopic elimination
studies the stapes displacement and found that it is proportional up to
130dBSPL for frequencies below 1500Hz and that and even wider linear range
might exist at higher frequencies.
Bekesy reported
that the resonant frequency of the middle ear is in the 800-1500 Hz region. Mollar
found the major resonance peak of the middle ear to be about 1200 Hz region
with a smaller resonant peak around 800Hz .This effect is due to the middle ear
mechanism itself, which is stiffness controlled below the resonant frequency
.There is virtually no reactance between 800 and 6000Hz, indicating that the energy
transmission from the drum to cochlea is maximally in this range..Positive
reactance takes over at higher frequencies as a result of the effective mass of
the drum and ossicles .So sound transmission through the middle ear to be
frequency –dependent with a emphasis on the mid frequencies.
According to umbo and stapes
displacement measurements in temporal bone and live humans, in some 30% of ears
tympanic membrane doesn’t produce smooth frequency response over the important
hearing frequencies .Measurement of umbo displacement ( Richard L.and Goode M.D.,1995 ) for a constant sound
pressure level (SPL) at the TM at 22 frequencies between 200 and 6000Hz have
shown peaks (+) and valleys (-) of more than 10 dB ,particularly near 3000Hz. Testing
at a larger number of frequencies would be expected to show more peaks and
valleys .This is possibly the result of previous injury ,both major and minor ,to
the TM and perhaps to the ossicle .It may also be an aging effect. These peaks
and valleys in middle ear sound transmission would not be expected to provide
excellent sound fidelity. The majority of the ears will have a relatively
smooth frequency response. Higher sound intensities the middle ear muscles will
have function of smoothing out the peaks and valleys by dampening ossicular
vibration. It s well known that however that the middle ear muscles have
essentially no acoustic function in the human above 1000Hz .This of course ,is
the major frequency range involved with presbyacusis.Ear drum becomes
increasingly inefficient above 1000Hz and that there is also translational
Acoustic immitance is a general term
referring to either acoustic impedance or acoustic immitance .Opposition to the
transfer of acoustic energy is called acoustic impedance .If we measure in
terms of the resulting energy flow as a result of the transfer of air pressure
changes we would use the term acoustic admittance .As the sound flow increases
from the system ,such as the human middle ear ,the acoustic admittance will
increase and the acoustic impedence offered by the system will decrease in a
reciprocal manner.
At least three primary subsystem are
fundamental to any instrument used for acoustic immittance measures in human
ears .The measurement of of acoustic immittance is performed by introducing an
acoustic (probe)signal to the ear and measuring sound pressure level (SPL) of
the ear canal .These measurements are based on the acoustic measurement
principle .This accounts for the small ‘a’ subscript for admittance (Y) and impedance
(Z) measures .The probe signal introduced in into the ear canal is usually a
tone ,and the SPL of the tone serves as
an indirect index of acoustic admittance or impedance .The SPL of the probe
signal measured at the probe tip is directly proportional to the acoustic impedance
offered by the ear at that particular point. higher the measure SPL of the
probe tone ,higher the acoustic impedance represented by the ear under
measurement ,conversely the higher the SPL of the probe tone ,lower the
acoustic admittance offered by the ear under test.
The probe
contains opening connected to three basic sub systems of the instruments:
(1) An air pump
used to introduce air pressure in the ear canal and a manometer for monitoring the air pressure.
(2) A miniature
loud speaker used for the introduction of a probe tone.
(3) A microphone
with an analysis system used to monitor the sound pressure level of the probe
Acoustic impedance
is a general term referring to the total opposition to sound flow offered by
the system .The middle ear system ,however is composed of different mechanical
structures that react to a force (such as an input sound pressure) in variety
of ways .A given acoustic impedance measure is determined by the complex ratio
of the applied force (sound pressure) to
the velocity (or sound flow).The manner
by which different structures oppose sound flow differs in a complex fashion
across components of the middle ear .The volume of the external auditory canal
,the tympanic membrane ,the interconnected cavities of the middle ear, the
ossicular chain and the coupling of the stapes foot plate to the oval window of
the cochlea all contribute in a complex fashion to the overall acoustic
impedence measured at the probe tip .The acoustic impedance measured at the
tympanic membrane is controlled by the mass of the middle ear ossicles ,stiffness
of the ossicular ligaments and muscles ,stiffness of the tympanic membrane and
round window membrane ,the stiffness of the air contained in the tympanum ,the mass
and friction that result from air movement within the tympanum and finally the impedance (primarily resistance )offered by the
coupling of the stapes foot plate to the cochlea at the oval window. Acoustic impedance
at the TM ,then is determined by different masses ,stiffness, and frictions, In
terms of these components to the overall opposition to the flow of energy ,the
components may be categorized as in phase components (those that occur simultaneously with the
applied force) and out of phase components (those that lead or lag the applied
force ).
The acoustic admittance and the acoustic
impedance are reciprocal measures. The vast majority of commercially available
clinical instrument provide for acoustic admittance measures primarily due to
simpler mathematic and engineering principles associated with acoustic
admittance measures as opposed to acoustic impedance measures. The same
measurement principles we discussed under acoustic impedance also are
fundamental to acoustic admittance measures. The specification of dissipative
and storage components and computational methods, however, differ for the 2
different measurement systems.
Whereas acoustic
impedance represents the opposition to the flow of acoustic energy, acoustic
admittance represents the ease of sound flow. The measurement unit for acoustic
impedance is the acoustic ohm; acoustic admittance measures are expressed in
acoustic mhos. Acoustic admittance measures in human ears are relatively small
in magnitude and accordingly most clinical measures of acoustic admittance are expressed
in acoustic milli ohms.
As Ya and
Za are reciprocals, the phase angle associated with each term is of
the same magnitude but of opposite direction. If the acoustic impedance phase
angle is negative, then the acoustic admittance phase angle (Øy) is
The acoustic
admittance is also determined by both in phase (real) and out of phase (imaginary)
components contributing to the flow of acoustic energy the real component of
acoustic admittance is acoustic conductance (Ga) and the imaginary
component is acoustic susceptance (Ba). The acoustic susceptance is
of 2 types’ i.e. compliant acoustic susceptance and mass acoustic susceptance. The
reactive elements acoustic admittance is plotted on the imaginary (j) axis in
the same manner as a acoustic reactances. Because of the reciprocal relation
between acoustic admittance and impedance the positive and negative imaginary
axis on which reactive components of admittance are plotted are reversed
relative to those for impedance. Specifically mass acoustic susceptance (-jBa)
is plotted on the negative axis and the compliant acoustic susceptance (jBa)
is plotted on the positive axis. All the acoustic admittance and impedance are
simple reciprocals acoustic reactance and susceptance are not. Acoustic
reactance and susceptance will be reciprocals, if and only if, the acoustic resistance
is 0. However with acoustic resistance and reactance values are finite in the
case of impedance measure of human ears. Thus, there is not a simple reciprocal
relation between acoustic reactance and acoustic resistance. Rather, a given
acoustic conductance or acoustic susceptance is determined by the value of
acoustic resistance and real.
and Ilmari had reported the use of DSVE to analyze ET motion using rigid and fiber
optic nasal endoscope, introduced at nasal pharyngeal orifice of the ET. Video
recording taken during rest. Swallowing and yawning were analyzed in slow
consistent sequential dilatory movements were noted in all normal subjects: (1)
The palate elevated and the lateral pharyngeal wall and medial cartilaginous
lamina moved medially.
(2) The lateral
pharyngeal wall moved laterally.
(3) Dilation of
the tube began with lateral movements of the lateral tubal wall, beginning at
the nasopharyngeal orifice and propagated smoothly towards the isthmus.
(4) Opening of the cartilaginous part of isthmus
completed the tubal dilation process.
The physiologic functions of the Eustachian are as follows:
Ventilation or
pressure regulation of the middle ear.
Protection of
the middle ear from nasopharyngeal secretions and sound pressures.
Clearance or
drainage of middle ear secretions into the nasopharynx.
Ventilation or pressure regulation
The normal Eustachian tube at rest
is collapsed, with perhaps slight negative middle ear pressure. Repeated opening
of the Eustachian tube actively maintains normal atmospheric pressure.
The Eustachian tube opens upon
swallowing or yawning by contraction of the tensor veli palatini muscle.
Defective tensor veli palatini muscle function in cleft palate results in Eustachian
tube dysfunction. The role of the levator veli palatini muscle is unclear. Its
contribution in opening the Eustachian tube has been questioned.
Eustachian tube ventilatory
function is less efficient in children than in adults. In addition, repeated upper
respiratory tract infections and enlarged adenoids in children further
contribute to the increased incidence of middle ear disease in children.
However, as children grow, Eustachian tube function improves as evidenced by
the reduced frequency of otitis media from infancy to maturity.
Normally, the Eustachian tube
opens frequently, stably maintaining the middle ear pressure between +50 mm and
-50 mm H2 O. However, pressures above and below this range do not
necessarily indicate middle ear disease.
About 1 ml of air or gas may be
absorbed from the middle ear in 24 hours. The mastoid cell system is thought to
function as a gas reservoir for the middle ear.
The Eustachian tube is closed at
rest. Sudden loud sounds are thus dampened before reaching the middle ear
through the nasopharynx.
The Eustachian tube drains normal
secretions of the middle ear by the mucociliary transport system and by
repeated active tubal opening and closing, which allows secretions to drain
into the nasopharynx.
A derangement in the closed middle ear system, such
as tympanic membrane perforation or after
mastoid surgery, sometimes results in reflux of nasopharyngeal secretions into
the tube and can cause otorrhea.
Similarly, forceful nose blowing creates high
nasopharyngeal pressure and may force nasopharyngeal secretions into the middle
ear. Laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) was recently implicated in the etiology of
otitis media with effusion (OME). Al-Saab et al (2008) demonstrated the
presence of pepsinogen in 84% of middle ear effusions (MEEs) at
concentrations 1.86 to 12.5 times higher than that of serum.
Conversely, a relative negative middle ear pressure, as occurs in aircraft or scuba diving descent, may lock the Eustachian tube. This leads to stagnation of secretions, and effusion collects in the middle ear as otitic barotraumas evolves. Inflation of the Eustachian tube by the Valsalva maneuver or by politzerization can break the negative pressure in the middle ear and clears the effusion.
Conversely, a relative negative middle ear pressure, as occurs in aircraft or scuba diving descent, may lock the Eustachian tube. This leads to stagnation of secretions, and effusion collects in the middle ear as otitic barotraumas evolves. Inflation of the Eustachian tube by the Valsalva maneuver or by politzerization can break the negative pressure in the middle ear and clears the effusion.
The middle ear is also protected
by the local immunologic defense of the respiratory epithelium of the
Eustachian tube, as well as its mucociliary defense (clearance). A pulmonary
immunoreactive surfactant protein has been isolated from the middle ears of
animals and humans. It is thought to have the same protective function in the
middle ear.
Clearance or drainage
Drainage of secretions and
occasional foreign material from the middle ear is achieved by the mucociliary
system of the Eustachian tube and the middle-ear mucosa and muscular clearance
of the Eustachian tube, as well as surface tension within the tube lumen.
The flask model proposed by Bluestone
and his colleagues helps to better explain the role of the anatomic
configuration of the Eustachian tube in the protection and drainage of the
middle ear. In this model,
the Eustachian tube and middle ear system is likened to a flask with a long
narrow neck. The mouth of the flask represents the nasopharyngeal end, the
narrow neck represents the isthmus, and the middle ear and mastoid gas cell
system represents the body of the flask.
Fluid flow through the neck depends on the pressure at end, the radius and length of the neck, and the viscosity of the liquid. When a small amount of liquid is instilled into the mouth of the flask, the liquid flow stops somewhere in the narrow neck due to the narrow diameter of the neck and the relative positive air pressure in the chamber of the flask. However, this does not take into consideration the dynamic role of the tensor veli palatini muscle in actively opening the nasopharyngeal orifice of the Eustachian tube.
Fluid flow through the neck depends on the pressure at end, the radius and length of the neck, and the viscosity of the liquid. When a small amount of liquid is instilled into the mouth of the flask, the liquid flow stops somewhere in the narrow neck due to the narrow diameter of the neck and the relative positive air pressure in the chamber of the flask. However, this does not take into consideration the dynamic role of the tensor veli palatini muscle in actively opening the nasopharyngeal orifice of the Eustachian tube.
The flask model
proposed by Bluestone and his colleagues
helps to better explain the role of the anatomic configuration of the ET in
the protection and drainage of the middle ear. In this model, the ET and the
middle ear is likened to be a flask with a long narrow neck. The mouth of the
flask represents the nasopharyngeal end, the narrow neck represents the isthmus
and the middle ear and the mastoid gas cell system represents the body of the flask.
Fluid flow through the neck depends on the pressure at either end, the radius
and the length of the neck, and the viscosity of the liquid. When a small
amount of liquid is instilled into the mouth of the flask, the liquid flow
stops somewhere in the narrow neck due to the diameter of the neck and due to
the +ve pressure in the chamber of the flask. However, this does not take into
consideration the dynamic role of the TVP in actively opening the
nasopharyngeal orifice of the ET.
As a result of
muscular activity the cartilaginous part of the tube will open. The Tensor
Palitini is considered as the main dilator while the levator veli palitini
muscle forming the part of the bottom of the tube supports the opening. The
Tensor Tympani may also play a role in the tube opening mechanism. As stated above,
the Tensor Tympani is attached to the neck of the malleus and contraction of
the muscle slightly increases the middle ear pressure by the medial placement
of the tympanic membrane. The origin of this muscle from the cartilage of the
tube as well as the adjoining bone may well influence the opening of the tube
at this point. This is also supported by the fact that the tube begins to open
from the middle ear end. The contraction of the tensor tympani may facilitate
tubal opening.
mechanism for the opening of the tube must be taken into account. If the
intratympanic pressure for some reason exceeds 100-150mm of H2O
above the ambient pressure, the ET may open spontaneously without any muscular
activity is involved. This holds for an increases in air pressure applied from the
pharyngeal end of the tube, exemplified in tube or applying +ve pressure in the
nasopharynx as in valsalva’s maneuver.
In contrast to
the opening of tube, closure is exclusively a passive phenomenon. When the
muscles relax or when a static pressure no longer keeps the tubal walls separated,
the tubal lumen collapses .Ashan showed that the closure of the tube starts at
the nasopharyngeal end. In this way it is possible that small air volume are
forced into the middle ear during the closing of the tube.cc
13-18MM AT
In the new approach,
the ET is not only seen as pressure regulator but also a bi-directional conduct
for diffusing of gases. The pressure regulating system is constituted by the co
operation and continual interplay between these components
Ø Bi directional
diffusion of gas across the middle ear,(involves liberation and absorption)
Ø Bi directional
passage of gas through the ET.(up and down)
Ø Bi directional
exchange of fluid across the capillary production and elimination.
The infra
tympanic pressure fluctuates close to the ambient pressure in a dynamic equilibrium.
If a disturbance occurs, all three components work together in restoring the pressure,
if one of the component is in capacitated, the remaining two can take over. It
is seen an increase in the middle ear pressure will occur if:
Ø More gas is
liberated than absorbed
Ø More gas passes up than down the tube
Ø If more fluid is
protected than eliminated
In this approach,
less attention is paid to equalization of artificially applied pressure in
experimental situation and more attention is paid to the protective closing action
of the ET in a physiological environment.
The role of cell system:
The cell system enhances the area to volume
ratio and its physiological function
facilitates a rapid exchange of fluid and gases dissolved in the blood. This is important for the
physiological pressure regulation
The network of
blood capillaries in the thin mucosal lining in the cell system is exposed to
the prevailing intra vascular to intra tympanic pressure difference. Because
the exchange of fluid across the capillary wall depends on a close balance
between the hydrostatic and the colloid-osmotic pressure, negative intra
tympanic pressure can change the balance .This results in the transudation of
fluid through capillary wall to the extracellular space in the mucosal membrane and in to the lumen of the mastoid
air cells.
The hydrostatic
blood pressure at the level of the ear also depends on the body on the body position.
During rest and sleep when one is lying down, the hydro static pressure across
the capillary wall increases, which would shift the balance and transudation of
fluid i.e. during active hours of a day when a person is upright, the
hydrostatic pressure is lower, which would facilitate re-absorption of fluid.
A functional and
patent ET is necessary for ideal middle ear sound mechanics. A fully patent ET
may not necessarily have perfect functioning as in the case with the patulous
ET or with mucociliaryabnormalities.Testing of both Eustachian tube patency and
function are therefore important.
examination of tympanic membrane assesses the patency and perhaps the function
of the tube. A normal appearing tympanic membrane usually indicates a normal functioning
ET, although this does not preclude the possibility of a patulous tube.
evidence of tympanic membrane retraction or fluid in the middle ear indicates
ET dysfunction but cannot be used to differentiate between functional
impairment and mechanical obstruction of the tube.Normal,TM mobility on
pneumatic otoscopy indicates good
patency of the ET.
by posterior rhinoscopic mirror examination or more accurately by fiber optic
endoscope helps visualization of any mass that may be obstructing the
pharyngeal end of the ET.
Measuring the
middle ear pressure with an electro acoustic impedance meter helps to assess ET
function. High negative middle ear pressure (>100dapa) indicates ET dysfunction.
High negative pressure may be seen in individuals with normal hearing. In the presence
of tympanic membrane perforation the air passes into the middle ear resulting
in a large canal volume on tympanometry.
With the recent
development of advanced imaging technology, studies have been used to better
define the anatomy and pathology of the ET.MRI has been used to visualize the
ET and to assess its anatomy and pathology in patients with nasopharyngeal
CT has also been
used to assess the tube in normal individuals, in patients with patulous Eustachian
tube and in otitis media. It has also been used in studying ET clearance.
In this air is
forced up the ET by having the patient close off their soft palate by either
saying ‘k-k-k’ or swallowing water; then blowing air into one nostril while the
other one is pinched. This can be unpleasant and should be done with a light
for Eustachian tube with a curved metal canula via the transnasal approach has
been used for more than 100 years. It can be done with the help of a
nasopharngoscope or Trans orally with a 90° telescope.
The catheter is
passed along the floor of the nose until it touches the posterior wall of the
nasopharynx.The catheter is then rotated
90° medially and pulled forward until it impinges on the posterior free part of
the nasal septum. The catheter is then rotated 180° laterally, so that its tip
lies at the nasopharyngeal opening of the Eustachian tube. A politzer bag is
attached to the outer end of the catheter and and an auscultation tube with 2
ear tips is used with one tip is used with one tip in the patient’s ear and the
other in the examiner’s ear. Air is pushed into the catheter by means of a Politzer
bag. The examiner hears the rush of the air as it passes through the catheter
into the ET and then into the middle ear.
transferring of applied positive pressure from the positive pressure from the
proximal end of cannula into the middle ear suggests tubal patency. Normal
blowing sounds mean a patent Eustachian tube and bubbling indicates middle ear fluid.
Whistling suggest partial ET obstruction while absence of sounds indicates
complete obstruction or failed catheterization.
most common Eustachian tube measures are derived from tympanometric measures
.These techniques are based on the assumption that the pressure location of the
typanometric peak approximates the resting pressure in the middle ear space. Initially
a pretest baseline tympanogram is obtained .Next the subject is instructed to perform
a maneur, such as swallowing ,that normally result in opening of ET .A post
maneuver tympanogram is obtained to assess tubal opening .Shift of the peak
pressures of the tympanogram typically are used as an index of the tubal
function lack of pressure shift indicate
tubal function
Three techniques are used as tests of ET
function in intact tympanic membranes:
Inflation –deflation test
Tone bee procedure
Valsalva’s procedure
(4) Sniff test
Inflation –deflation procedure is a pressure swallow technique for assessment
of ET function. The test sequence is as follows:
pretest, a baseline tympanogram is obtained.
high positive pressure (inflation pressure ) or negative ( deflation ) air
pressure is introduced into the external ear canal and the patient is
instructed to swallow several times.
post test tympanogram is obtained after swallowing.
Tubal opening is indicated by a shift in
pressure location for the post tested tympanometric peak relative to the pre
test peak .The shift in pressure typically is in the opposite direction from
the applied ear canal pressure.
The tone bee
procedure is designed to introduce a negative middle ear pressure via Eustachian
tube .The test sequence is as follows:
(a) A pretest
baseline tympanogram is obtained.
(b) The patient
is instructed to pinch the nose and swallow.
(3) A protest
tympanogram is obtained.
A successive Tone bee maneuver will cause
the tube to open and will evacuate air from the middle ear, resulting in a
tympanometric peak that is shifted in a negative direction.
The Valsalva
procedure is designed to introduce a positive middle ear pressure via ET .Steps
a and care identical to those of the tone bee procedure .In step b however the
patient is instructed to close off the nose and mouth and blow gently .A
successive Valsalva maneuver will cause the tube to open and allow air to be
forced into the middle ear, resulting in a post test tympanogram peak that is
shifted in a positive direction.
The Sniff test is designed to determine
if sniffing induces significant negative pressure in the middle ear .The
procedure is as follows:
a) The patient performs a Valsalva maneur
(b) The baseline
tympanogram is recorded
(c) The patient
is asked to close off one nostril with a finger and to take several sharp
(d) A second
tympanogram is recorded
If the test is positive, the second tympanogram will have a peak that
shifted in the negative direction.
ET function can also be measured with
inflation –deflation procedure on ears in which TM is not intact.
(a) Positive
pressure is increased to 800-400 daPa and the patient is asked to swallow
(b) The negative
pressure is decreased to -200 daPa and the person again is asked to swallow
If the ET is normal pressure will return to
0daPa after several swallows. If the ET is not normal, one of the two patterns
will occur
For the first pattern ,with positive ear
canal pressure ,a pressure called opening pressure ,will cause the ET to open
and the ear canal pressure to return to a level closer to 0 daPa .Subsequent
swallows may allow the pressure to approach ,but not reach,0 daPa.For the
negative pressure ,swallows will not cause the ET to open to equalize the
pressure .The recorded ear canal pressure will not change, it remains the same.
introduction to psychological and physiological acoustics.2ND
edition .Stanley A. Gelfend.
(2) Acoustic
Immittance Measures in clinical audiology: Terry Wiley, Cynthia G.Fowler.
(3) Hand book of
clinical audiology: 5TH edition, Jack Katz.
(5) George .A.
Mathew, George kuruvilla, Anand job
(2006) .American journal of otolaryngology.28(2007) 91-97.Dynamic slow motion video endoscopy in
Eustachian tube assessment.
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